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1. **绿色植物**:绿色植物被认为有助于吸收负能量,并能够增添生机和活力。选择一些茂盛健康的植物,如吊兰、常青藤等。

2. **水景**:水被视为财富的象征,因此在缺角处放置一个小型的室内水池、喷泉或者鱼缸可能会有所帮助。

3. **装饰品**:选择一些具有吉祥寓意的装饰品,如财神、福禄寿等传统风水物品。

4. **吉祥物**:在缺角处放置一些吉祥物品,如金色的中国龙、金蟾、招财猫等。

5. **镜子**:镜子被认为能够反射负能量,因此放置一个镜子来遮盖缺角可能会有所帮助。



In Chinese tradition geomantic in, the vertex damage of the house is considered as ominous, because it can destroy the gas field of the building. To dissolve this kind of adverse effect, can consider to put a few geomantic article to alleviate in vertex damage place. A few common choices include:

1.** greenery ** : Greenery is thought to conduce to draw negative energy, can add opportunity of survival and vigor. Select the plant with a few healthy exuberance, wait like bracketplant, evergreen cane.

2.** of ** water scene: What water is regarded as money is indicative, because this places a diminutive in vertex damage place indoor cistern, fountain or aquarium may be helped somewhat.

3.** adornment ** : Choose a few adornment that have lucky implied meaning, wait for traditional and geomantic article like mammon, Fu Lushou.

4.** mascot ** : A few mascot are placed to taste in vertex damage place, wait like cat of money of aureate Chinese dragon, Jin Chan, action.

5.** mirror ** : The mirror is thought to be able to reflex negative energy, because this lays a mirror,come cover vertex damage may be helped somewhat.

No matter choose which kinds of way, should decide according to the individual's be fond of and actual condition, ensure put goods is neat, beautiful, in order to maintain good geomantic atmosphere.
