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1. **金饰物**:金被视为象征着财富和繁荣的金属。戴金饰物,如金项链、金手镯或金戒指,被认为能够吸引财运。

2. **翡翠**:在中国传统文化中,翡翠被视为幸运石,特别是对于财富和健康。戴翡翠饰品可能会增加女性的财运。

3. **红色饰物**:红色在中国文化中象征着吉祥和好运。戴红色的饰物,如红色项链、红色手镯或红色耳环,被认为可以带来财富和好运。

4. **象征财富的图案**:一些饰物上的图案或符号被认为具有吸引财富的能力,比如金钱袋、富贵花等图案。



Apparel what decorations can increase money to carry is a quite popular topic. The basis is geomantic learn and traditional belief, a few kinds of decorations are thought to carry to the female's money somewhat help:

1.** of ** gold jewelry: Gold is regarded as the metal of indicative fortune and prosperity. Wear golden jewelry, be like bracelet of golden necklace, gold or golden ring, be thought to be able to attract money carry.

2.** halcyon ** : In Chinese traditional culture, halcyon is regarded as lucky stone, mix to fortune especially healthy. Wear emerald act the role ofing to taste the money use that may increase a female.

3.** of ** gules decorations: Red is indicative in Chinese culture auspicious is auspicious and lucky. Wear gules jewelry, be like gules necklace, gules bracelet or gules dangler, be thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry.

4.The design ** of ** indicative fortune: The design on a few decorations or symbol are thought to have the capacity that draws money, monetary bag, riches and honour is for instance beautiful wait for design.

No matter choose which kinds of decorations, important is the force that believes them, salute the advent that money carries with positive attitude. In the meantime, work hard and conduct financial transactions also is the crucial factor that raises money.
