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1. **鸡群图案或雕塑**:摆放一些具有鸡形象的艺术品或雕塑,如鸡群图案的挂画、雕塑等,有助于增加属鸡者的吉祥和财运。

2. **金色或黄色物品**:金色和黄色被认为是代表财富和好运的颜色,因此摆放一些金色或黄色的装饰物品,如金色的摆件、黄色的花卉等,也有助于提升财运。

3. **鸡的象征物**:在中国传统文化中,鸡象征着吉祥、幸福和财富。因此,摆放一些鸡相关的象征物,如鸡的图案或饰品,可以带来好运。

4. **招财进宝物品**:摆放一些象征财富和好运的物品,如招财猫、财神爷等,也有助于增加财运。



What thing does the person that belongs to chicken place to you can enrol money flourishing to carry? The geomantic doctrine of a few traditions thinks, put a few article related to chicken to be able to increase the money use of the person that belong to chicken. It is a few common geomantic proposals below:

1.** chicken group design or sculpture ** : Put a few artwork that have gallinaceous figure or sculpture, like chicken group of design hang picture, sculpture to wait, conduce to the auspicious that increases the person that belong to chicken auspicious money carry.

2.** aureate or maize article ** : Aureate the color that is considered as to represent fortune become reconciled to carry with yellow, because this is put a few aureate or adornment article of yellow, if be placed aureately, maize flowers, also conduce to promotion money carry.

3.The indication ** of ** chicken: In Chinese traditional culture, chicken is indicative lucky, happiness and fortune. Accordingly, put the indication related a few chicken, be like gallinaceous design or act the role of article, can bring lucky.

4.** enrols money to taste ** into treasure: Put a few indicative fortune and lucky goods, if enrol father of money cat, mammon to wait, also conduce to increase money use.

Remember please, geomantic doctrine is idea of a kind of traditional culture, its effect because of the person different. Besides geomantic, program of assiduous job, conduct financial transactions and positive attitude also are the main factor that promotes money use.
