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1. **金色物品**:金色代表财富和丰裕,因此摆放金色的物品如金色摆件、金元宝等可以有助于增加财运。

2. **水晶摆件**:水晶被认为具有净化和吸纳负能量的作用,可以放置在家中的财位或者办公桌上,有助于提升财运。

3. **绿色植物**:绿色植物有助于调和家居气场,增加生机和活力,同时也有助于增加财运。

4. **招财猫**:招财猫是中国传统的吉祥物之一,据说摆放在家中可以招来财运和好运。

5. **水景**:在家中摆放一个小型的水景,如流水或者鱼缸,可以增加财运并改善家居气场。



According to China geomantic learned theory, the person that belongs to rat puts a few article that can increase money carry and career use to be able to conduce to promotion movement power in the home. A few common geomantic article include:

1.** of ** aureate article: Aureate delegate fortune and opulent, because this is put if aureate article is aureate place, gold dollar treasure can conduce to increase money to carry.

2.** crystal places a ** : Crystal is thought to have the effect that purify and inducts negative energy, can place the money in the home or on desk, conduce to promotion money carry.

3.** greenery ** : Greenery conduces to field of harmonic household gas, increase opportunity of survival and vigor, also conduce to at the same time increase money use.

4.** enrols money cat ** : The cat that enrol money is one of mascot of Chinese tradition, it is OK in the home to be put allegedly draw on money to carry become reconciled carries.

5.** of ** water scene: View of a diminutive water is laid in the home, be like running water or aquarium, can increase money to carry and improve household gas field.

As a whole, no matter put what goods, the key is to want to choose according to his be fond of and household style, ensure put position is accorded with geomantic learned principle.
