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1. **玉器**:玉石被认为是一种能够带来好运和保护的宝石,对属猪的男生来说,佩戴玉器可以增加吉祥气息。

2. **红色配饰**:红色被视为中国传统的幸运颜色,可以驱邪避邪,吸引好运。属猪的男生可以选择红色的项链、手链或者其他配饰。

3. **金饰品**:金被视为财富和地位的象征,在风水学说中也有吸引好运的作用。属猪的男生可以佩戴金饰品,比如金手镯、金戒指等。

4. **宝石**:一些宝石也被认为具有吸引好运的作用,比如红宝石、蓝宝石等。

5. **福字挂饰**:挂有福字的吊坠或者挂饰是中国传统的吉祥物之一,可以为属猪的男生带来好运和福气。



According to traditional culture of China and geomantic doctrine, the schoolboy that belongs to a pig can adorn a few symbolic move is lucky the article with good luck, for instance:

1.** of ** jade article: Jade is considered as a kind to be able to be brought lucky the gem with protection, for the schoolboy to belonging to a pig, adorn jade article can add lucky flavor.

2.** red deserves to act the role of ** : Red is regarded as the lucky color of Chinese tradition, can exorcise avoids unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, attract lucky. Chain of the necklace that belongs to the schoolboy of the pig to be able to choose red, hand is other perhaps deserve to act the role of.

3.** gold acts the role of taste ** : What gold is regarded as fortune and status is indicative, also have in geomantic doctrine draw lucky action. The schoolboy that belongs to a pig can adorn golden act the role ofing is tasted, for instance ring of golden bracelet, gold.

4.** lapidary ** : A few gem also are thought to have draw lucky action, for instance ruby, sapphirine.

5.** blessing word hangs act the role of ** : The condole that hangs word having good fortune drops or hang one of mascot that acting the role of is Chinese tradition, can bring to belong to the schoolboy of the pig lucky with good luck.

Nevertheless, the most important is the goods that chooses to accord with him be fond of and individual style, because self-confidence and intimacy also are the biggest lucky source.
