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1. **吉祥花(开运花)**:此类花卉常被认为能够吸引好运,如吉祥莲、金银花、绿萝等。

2. **吉祥树**:比如常见的榕树和吊兰,据说有助于增加财运。

3. **金钱树**:这是一种常见的室内盆栽,有人相信摆放金钱树能够吸引财富。

4. **兰花**:兰花不仅美丽,还寓意着吉祥如意,被认为能够招财进宝。

5. **水仙花**:水仙花也被视为招财的花卉之一,因其在中国文化中象征着富贵和财富。



According to traditional and geomantic doctrine, a few flowers are thought to be able to attract money carry, and they also can add aesthetic feeling when be put inside house. It is a few flowers that often are thought to be able to enrol money below:

1.** lucky flower (flower driving movement) ** : This kind of flowers often is thought to be able to be attracted lucky, wait like lucky lotus, honeysuckle, green trailing plants.

2.** of ** lucky tree: Than the banyan that as usual sees and bracketplant, conduce to allegedly increase money use.

3.** money cultivates ** : This is a kind common indoor and potted, somebody believes to put monetary tree to be able to draw money.

4.** orchid ** : Orchid not only beautiful, return the implied meaning to wear good fortune as one wishes, be thought to be able to enrol money to enter treasure.

5.** daffodil ** : Daffodil also is regarded as to enrol one of flowers of money, because its are in Chinese culture,indicative riches and honour is mixed fortune.

Nevertheless, the most important is to should remember, these are traditional belief only, prove to put these flowers to bring money with respect to regular meeting without scientific evidence actually. But anyhow, put these flowers to also can add an opportunity of survival and happiness for the bedroom.
