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1. 向日葵:向日葵是夏季的代表花卉之一,它们喜欢充足的阳光和温暖的气候,大暑时节可能会看到它们绽放出金黄色的花朵。

2. 万寿菊:万寿菊是一种耐热、耐旱的花卉,它们的花期通常在夏季,大暑时节也可能会开得特别盛放。

3. 凌霄花:凌霄花也是夏季盛开的花卉之一,它们在炎热的气候下生长得很好,大暑时节可能会看到它们绽放出蓝紫色的花朵。

4. 金鱼草:金鱼草是一种耐旱、耐热的植物,它们的花期也通常在夏季,大暑时节可能会看到它们开出丰富多彩的花朵。



Great Heat season, the flowers of a few heat-resisting may bloom exuberantly all the more. In the 24 solar term of Chinese tradition, great Heat is the last solar term of the summer, air temperature is tall, sunny, suit a few painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style that like thaw to grow. A few fall in torrid weather can thrive and blooming flower includes:

1.Helianthus: Helianthus is one of delegate flowers of the summer, they like enough sunshine and warm climate, great Heat season may see they blossom the flower of yellow giving gold.

2.Chrysanthemum of 10 thousand birthday: Chrysanthemum of 10 thousand birthday is a kind of heat-resisting, be able to bear or endure the flowers of drought, their florescence is in normally the summer, great Heat season also may leave particularly Cheng Fang.

3.Chinese trumpet creeper: Chinese trumpet creeper also is one of flowers that the summer blooms, they grow very well below burning hot climate, great Heat season may see they blossom the flower that gives blue purple.

4.Goldfish grass: Goldfish grass is one kind is able to bear or endure the plant of drought, heat-resisting, their florescence also is in normally the summer, great Heat season may see they open the flower that gives rich and colorful.

These flowers are in Great Heat season may because air temperature is appropriate and bloom more gorgeously.
