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1. **金元宝**:金元宝象征着财富和好运,因此在车内悬挂金元宝或者放置金元宝饰品被认为能够招财。

2. **观音像**:观音被视为智慧与慈悲之神,在风水中也有辟邪招财的功效,因此挂一尊观音像或者观音挂件被认为能够带来财运。

3. **风铃**:传统的风铃被认为能够驱除厄运,促进好运的到来,因此挂一些漂亮的风铃也是一种选择。

4. **招财猫**:招财猫是日本的传统吉祥物,被认为能够招财进宝,因此在车内放置一只招财猫也是一种选择。



What to hang to be able to be brought on board lucky perhaps get rich flourishing carry, it is one of geomantic belief common topic actually. According to geomantic doctrine, a few article are thought to have attract money carries or the effect of flourishing money, for instance:

1.** of treasure of ** gold dollar: Gold dollar treasure is indicative fortune become reconciled carries, because this is inside the car,treasure of pensile gold dollar perhaps places gold dollar treasure to act the role of article be thought to be able to enrol money.

2.** avalokitesvara resembles ** : Avalokitesvara is regarded as wisdom and compassionate god, be in geomantic in the effect that also exorcise evil spirits enrols money, because this is hanged one honour avalokitesvara resembles or avalokitesvara is hanged be thought to be able to bring money luck.

3.** wind-bell ** : Traditional wind-bell is thought can drive adversity, promote lucky arrival, because this hangs a few beautiful wind-bell,also be a kind of choice.

4.** enrols money cat ** : The cat that enrol money is traditional mascot of Japan, be thought to be able to enrol money to enter treasure, because this sets an action inside the car,money cat also is a kind of choice.

No matter choose why to be planted article, the most important is yourself's belief and apiration. You like and the article that is hanged inside the car should be agreed with, such ability have the conciliatory effect of mentally better, bring energy become reconciled of the front to carry.
