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1. 地段:选择位于繁华地段或是发展潜力较大的地区的房产,通常会有更大的增值空间。
2. 房产状况:购买品质好、维护良好的房产,可以减少后续维修和装修成本,也有利于未来的升值。
3. 市场趋势:密切关注房地产市场的走势,选择在市场上升期购买,可能会有更好的投资回报。
4. 投资策略:有些人选择购买待售房产,进行翻新后再转售,这种投机性操作可能会带来一定的收益,但也伴随着一定的风险。



Buy a house the advantage that this thing may give you to bring a lot of sides, but final whether bring fortune appreciation to depend on a lot of elements, for instance you buy the position of house property, tendency of the market, your investment to expect to wait a moment. Generally speaking, the following respects may help somewhat to fortune appreciation:

1.A sector of an area: The choice is located in flourishing a sector of an area or be the house property that develops the area with larger latent capacity, connect regular meeting to have larger appreciation space.
2.House property state: Purchase is qualitative good, defend good house property, can decrease to sequel is maintained and decorate cost, also be helpful for what did not come appreciating.
3.Tendency of the market: Pay close attention to estate market closely go situation, the choice rises in the market period buy, may have better investment get one's own back.
4.Investment is politic: Choose of some person selected buys for sale house property, after undertaking face-lifting again resale, operation of this kind of speculation may bring certain profit, but also accompanying particular risk.

Nevertheless, investment house property also is put in the risk, include market wave motion, policy to adjust wait for an element. Accordingly, in make decision-making before, must have done sufficient market survey and risk to evaluate.
