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1. 四川省泸州市龙马潭区的安岳县花石乡:这个村庄以独特的花石文化和盛大的花石乡年俗而闻名,每年过年期间吸引大量游客。

2. 湖南省益阳市沅江市桥市镇:桥市镇的过年风俗十分热闹,以独特的民俗表演、传统习俗和美食吸引着众多游客。

3. 广东省广州市增城区派潭镇:这个村庄以精彩的龙舞、狮舞等传统表演而闻名,每年过年期间游客络绎不绝。



Spend the New Year most the village of flourishing may because of area and culture setting different. Be in China, a few spend the New Year famously most the village of flourishing includes:

1.The An Yue county of area of pool of horse of dragon of city of state of Sichuan province Lu spends Shi Xiang: This village is changed with distinctive Hua Shiwen and spend Shi Xiang grandly year common and famed, a large number of tourists are attracted during spending the New Year every year.

2.Small towns of bridge of city of river of Yuan of in relief city of Hunan Province beneficial: Of bridge small towns spend the New Year custom is very lively, with distinctive folk-custom performance, tradition is consuetudinary attracting numerous tourist with cate.

3.Guangdong saves Guangzhou city to add the city zone to send Tan Zhen: This village is famed with the traditional performance such as dance of wonderful Long Wu, lion, during spending the New Year every year tourist in an endless stream.

These villages are having rich tradition culture and spend the New Year distinctly consuetudinary, attracting a large number of tourists to come round to experience and be viewed and admire.
