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1. **吉祥树(金钱树):** 金钱树被认为是带来财富和好运的象征。它的圆形叶子象征着金钱,据说能吸引财富和好运气。

2. **竹子:** 竹子在风水中被视为长寿、幸福和财富的象征。尤其是三层或五层的幸运竹,被认为是带来好运和财富的强力象征。

3. **发财树(吊兰):** 发财树被认为能吸引财富和好运。它的叶子呈现出翠绿色,寓意着繁荣和财富。

4. **幸运竹:** 幸运竹被认为是一种强大的吉祥物,能够带来好运、健康和繁荣。它们也被认为能够吸引正能量和财富。

5. **兰花:** 兰花被认为是吉祥和幸福的象征。在中国文化中,兰花也被视为高雅和财富的象征。



Plant in the home a few plants that are thought to bring money to carry are a kind of old geomantic tradition. It is a few plants that are thought to conduce to flourishing money carrying below:

1.** lucky tree (money cultivates) : What ** money tree is considered as to bring fortune become reconciled to carry is indicative. Its circular leaf is indicative money, can attract fortune and good luck allegedly.

2.** bamboo: ** bamboo is in geomantic in what be regarded as macrobian, happiness and money is indicative. Especially three-layer or quintuplicate are lucky bamboo, be considered as to bring lucky with fortune puissant and indicative.

3.** gets rich tree (bracketplant) : ** gets rich the tree is thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry. Its leaf appears piece emerald, the implied meaning is worn prosperity and fortune.

4.** lucky bamboo: ** lucky bamboo is considered as a kind of powerful mascot, can bring lucky, health and prosperity. They also are thought to be able to be attracted energy and fortune.

5.** orchid: ** orchid is considered as auspicious auspicious and happy indicative. In Chinese culture, orchid also is regarded as decorous with fortune indicative.

Of course, these just are thought to bring the plant that money carries in a few geomantic traditions, which does the choice cultivate to cultivate content to still depend on the individual's be fond of and dimensional condition. No matter you choose to which cultivate to cultivate substance, maintain floral health and growing is crucial.
