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1. 金银财宝:放置一些金银制品,如金银元宝或银锭,代表着财富和贵族地位。
2. 翡翠玉器:翡翠在中国文化中被视为吉祥和幸运的象征,放置一些翡翠玉器可以带来好运和财富。
3. 陶俑或陶器:放置一些代表财富和繁荣的陶俑或陶器,如财神、福神等,有助于旺财。
4. 五谷丰登:放置一些五谷丰登的象征,如小米、稻谷等,代表着收获和富裕。
5. 灯笼或蜡烛:放置一些灯笼或蜡烛,代表着希望和光明,有助于照亮亡灵之路,同时也被认为可以旺财。



In Chinese culture, the article that a kind of belief thinks to place become reconciled of a few indicative fortune to carry on grave is OK flourishing money. Among them the commonnest include:

1.Treasures: Place product of a few bullion, be like bullion a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China or sycee, representing fortune and peerage.
2.Emerald jade article: Halcyon is regarded as auspicious in Chinese culture auspicious and lucky indicative, place jade article of a few halcyon to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.
3.Pottery figurine or crockery: Place the pottery figurine of fortune of a few delegates and prosperity or crockery, wait like mammon, Billiken, conduce to flourishing money.
4.Golden harvests: Those who place a few golden harvests is indicative, wait like millet, paddy, representing results and rich.
5.Lantern or candle: Place a few lanterns or candle, representing hope and light, conduce to enlighten the road of the soul of a deceased person, it is OK to also be thought at the same time flourishing money.

Nevertheless, those who need an attention is, put to graveyard and sepulchral article, the custom habit of best esteem place and legal laws and regulations.
