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1. 椰子树:椰子树对热带气候和湿润土壤适应良好,它们在广东地区可以茁壮成长,提供清新的氛围和果实。

2. 红树:红树是适应盐碱地和湿润环境的植物,对于广东地区的沿海地带来说是一种理想选择,可以保护土壤,防止风蚀。

3. 枇杷树:枇杷树对于温暖湿润的气候喜爱,广东地区的气候非常适合它们的生长,而且枇杷还能提供可食用的果实。

4. 榕树:榕树是一种耐盐碱、适应性强的树种,在广东地区的城市和农村都很常见,它们的树冠茂密,给人带来凉爽和绿意。



The climate of Guangdong area and edaphic condition suit to plant the tree of a lot of different sort. A few cultivate before Guangdong house most the tree of flourishing includes:

1.Coco: Coco suits to intertropical climate and wet soil good, it is OK that they are in Guangdong area thrive, offer pure and fresh atmosphere and fructification.

2.Mangrove: Mangrove is the plant that gets used to saline land and wet environment, a kind of good choice is for the seaboard to Guangdong area, can protect soil, prevent wind erosion.

3.Loquat tree: Loquat tree loves to warm and wet climate, the climate of Guangdong area suits their growth very much, and loquat still can offer edible fructification.

4.Banyan: Banyan is one kind is able to bear or endure the tree with alkaline, strong adaptability plants salt, the city that is in Guangdong area and country are very common, their crown of a tree is dense, bring to the person cool with green meaning.

These tree are having better growth in Guangdong area environment and adaptability, but the element such as the preference that chooses finally to cultivate which kinds of tree to consider specific land requirement, cropper even and surroundings.
