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1. 金饰:金代表着财富和权力,可以选择金色的项链、手链或戒指等饰品,有助于提升事业和财运。

2. 木饰:木代表着生机和成长,可以选择翡翠、绿松石等绿色或棕色的饰品,有助于增强个人的活力和创造力。

3. 火饰:火代表着热情和活力,可以选择红色或橙色的饰品,如红宝石、琥珀等,有助于提升人气和魅力。



According to Chinese traditional culture and geomantic doctrine, the person that belongs to chicken can choose a few accord with its disposition characteristic and attribute of the five elements adorn article will increase movement power. Generally speaking, the person that belongs to chicken belongs to masculine gender, like free, enthusiastic, active up, suit those who choose property of gold, wood, fire to act the role of article.

1.Golden act the role ofing: Gold is representing fortune and power, can choose catenary of aureate necklace, hand or ring to wait adorn article, conduce to promotion career and money carry.

2.Wooden act the role ofing: Wood is being represented opportunity of survival and grow, can choose the green such as halcyon, turquoise or act the role of brownly article, conduce to the vigor that enhances an individual and creativity.

3.Igneous act the role ofing: Fire is representing enthusiasm and energy, can choose red or orange act the role of article, be like ruby, amber etc, conduce to promotion person energy of life and glamour.

Besides according with attribute of the five elements, taste according to individual be fond of and circumstance choice are acted the role of suitably even, let its more the temperament that agrees with oneself and style.
