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1. **吊兰**:吊兰是容易养护的植物,具有清新的气息和优美的姿态,能够为居室增添活力和美感。

2. **仙人掌**:仙人掌是耐干旱的植物,不仅容易养护,而且有着独特的外观和魅力,符合属龙女性坚韧不拔的性格。

3. **铁树**:铁树是一种对光线和水分要求不高的植物,它的叶子呈现出金属般的光泽,给人一种坚强和自信的感觉。

4. **薄荷**:薄荷具有清新的香味和药用价值,能够提神醒脑,增加活力,对属龙女性的日常生活可能很有帮助。

5. **紫罗兰**:紫罗兰是一种美丽的花卉,常常象征着神秘和独立。养护起来也相对容易,能够为属龙女性的生活增添一抹色彩和浪漫。



The female that belongs to dragon is considered as commonly red-blooded the person with glamour. To such person, selecting a few plants that can add vigor and aesthetic feeling may be a good idea. It is a few plants that suit the female that belong to dragon below:

1.** bracketplant ** : Bracketplant is the plant of easy conserve, have pure and fresh breath and beautiful attitude, can add vigor and aesthetic feeling for the bedroom.

2.** cactus ** : Cactus is to be able to bear or endure arid plant, not only easy conserve, and having distinctive outward appearance and charm, accord with the female that belong to dragon's gritty disposition.

3.** of ** sago cycas: Sago cycas is a kind of not expensive to the light and moisture requirement plant, its leaf presents a burnish like the metal, give a person a kind of adamancy and self-confident sense.

4.** mint ** : Field mint has pure and fresh fragrance and officinal value, can life-giving wake head, increase vigor, very may helpful to belonging to the daily life of dragon female.

5.** violet ** : The violet is a kind of beautiful flowers, often symbolizing mystery and independence. It is relatively easy also that conserve rises, the life that can be the female that belong to dragon adds a colour and romance.

No matter which choose to cultivate substance, dou Yinggen undertakes choosing according to the individual's interest and surroundings, notice timely give right amount illumination, moisture and fertilizer.
