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中央教育科学研究所(Central Institute of Education Sciences,简称:CIES)是中国教育系统中的一所重要研究机构,致力于推动教育领域的发展与创新。





  • 教育政策研究:关注国家和地区教育政策的制定、实施和评估,为教育决策者提供科学依据。
  • 教育管理研究:探索教育管理的理论和实践,提高教育组织和管理效能。
  • 教育心理学研究:研究学生心理特点、学习行为和发展规律,为教育教学提供理论指导。
  • 教育技术研究:研究教育技术应用的原理和方法,促进教育和技术的有机结合。
  • 教育评价研究:开展教育评价体系和方法的研究,提高教育质量和效果评估的科学性。









Scientific institute is taught in the center of (Central Institute Of Education Sciences, abbreviation: CIES) it is one of Chinese education system main research organization, devote oneself to to promote the evolution that teachs a domain and innovation.

Mission and target

The mission of CIES is to begin thorough research, offer science to prop up, the development that is high grade education and educational system reform offer decision-making proposal. Its target is build and perfect education to study a system scientificly, those who promote educational theory and practice is compositive, offer innovation train of thought and solution to education is reformed and teach evolution.

Study domain and stress

CIES was teaching scientific domain to cover extensive research field, include to teach evaluation of skill of psychology of policy, education management, education, education, education to wait. Its study the key includes:

  • Teach policy research: Pay close attention to what country and area teach policy to make, carry out and evaluate, provide scientific basis to teach a policymaker.
  • Education manages research: Explore the theory of educational management and practice, rise to education is organized and manage efficiency.
  • Teach psychological research: Study behavior of student psychology characteristic, study and development law, provide academic guidance to teach teacher and student.
  • Teach technical research: Research teachs the principle of technical application and method, the organic union of stimulative education and technology.
  • Education evaluates research: Begin education to evaluate the research of system and method, raise the scientific sex that educational quality and effect evaluate.

Study project and positive result

CIES develops many research project every year, involve the major problem that teachs each domains and crucial difficult problem. Study with policy through developing basic research, application, the innovation that CIES devotes oneself to to promote educational science knowledge and practice and change.

In the meantime, CIES also takes an active part in international collaboration project and academic communication with international eye shot, with the education on international the research organization begins collaboration, promote the development that the whole world teachs jointly.

Come for years, CIES obtained the research positive result of plentiful and substantial, these achievement were obtained in academia not only approbate extensively, also provided important reference to educational policy is made and be carried out.

Will not look into

Scientific institute is taught to will continue to devote oneself to to promote the evolution that teachs science and innovation in the center of, promote the close together tie that teachs theory and practice, offer decision-making support and policy proposal, of the implementation that is high grade education hard and educational system reform deepen make larger contribution.

Thank you to read the article, the hope is passed scientific institute is taught in the center of understanding, can know the value that teachs science and effect further, the development that is education and educational reform offer new reflection and way.

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