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如需要可以洗的, 猫耳朵里很容易长耳满等疾病, 宠物店可以用相应的药水给它先进行清洗,将耳朵里的耳螨等清洗干净后才好上药。 但是要注意清洗完后要清洁干净,不要把药水残留在耳朵里, 会引起猫耳朵的不适,以免影响治耳螨的药物疗效。




One, can pet shop see a doctor to pet?

Pet shop cannot see a doctor to pet, because do not have aptitude, pet needs normal pet hospital to treat unhealthily, and, their cure protects personnel is professional vet graduation, have professional knowledge, suit the remedy to the case, and still have advanced medical treatment facility, can better detect all sorts of diseases of pet, pet shop can sell some of pet to have wearing thing only, and still can bathe oh, the pet that hopes we are raised is healthy!

2, can pet shop see a doctor?

Most pet shop won't help pet see a doctor, but the part can make vaccine to pet, but if want to make vaccine in pet shop, had better choose normal pet shop.

Pet shop and pet hospital are different, pet shop may sell pet drug, but pet falls ill had better treat to pet hospital, the conference is a few more professional, and still can avoid to make pet appears accident.

General pet shop besides selling pet, still can bathe to pet and hairdressing, if want to buy drug in pet shop, had better seeing a few drug more is normal, can use to pet, lest be opposite,pet produces side effect.

3, is cure protected can you see a doctor to parents?

China now is overall medical service is protected, ask person ginseng is protected, your cure keeps card can your individual sees a doctor, cannot see a doctor in order to give parents or children.

4, can marital registration see a doctor to the wife?


Registration is the indispensible formalities of go to a doctor. Carry send by registered mail, hospital but statistic goes out that day number of patient go to a doctor, each section office classifies circumstance of go to a doctor, cure protects staff work intensity to wait a moment, facilitating system manages.

Registration is the doorsill of go to a doctor only, do not need real name. But him registration, also but other is replaced. Especially counterpoise ill patient needs family to accompany go to a doctor. A bit problem does not have marital registration sees a doctor to the wife.

5, can vet give 2 with a ha see a doctor?

The what of 2 haing delegates should make clear above all? If of 2 haing delegates is animal dog, cat, ox, pig,wait name, vet can see a doctor for its. If of 2 haing delegates is person name, that vet cannot is 2 with a ha see a doctor. Because vet is special,see a doctor for harbour of animal, rasorial home of epidemic prevention. The person fell ill can the doctor sees a doctor, if 2 breathing out is person name, that 2 with a ha be about to see a doctor to the doctor of normal clinic or person of hospital make a diagnosis and give treatment.

6, can the cat that sells in pet shop have pigeon breast flesh to dog dog? ?

Not OK. Feline Mi loves clean very much, it is to want to prepare arenaceous basin of a cat alone, otherwise it would rather hold back is worn do not go up, or everywhere relieve oneself! And should do good disinfection everyday. Can sterilize effect of fluid, deodorization with dispel flavour pretty good also

7, does pet shop reclaim dog dog?

The dog did not want to raise, pet shop also collects a dog. Besides, host also can encircle the card that sends a dog in the friend, perhaps stick adopt annunciate in village annunciate column, sticking wait for a website to release adopt to stick, and take dog dog market of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, pet to trade market sale.

8, does urgent pet shop see a doctor to hamster?

Won't look in common pet shop, there is vet rarely commonly in pet shop, some also may be pretended to be, only the ability in pet hospital has true vet, so pet fell ill to had better go to pet hospital.

Pet shop won't help pet see a doctor normally, but little part can make vaccine to pet, had better choose normal pet shop nevertheless. Pet shop and pet hospital are different, if pet falls ill,best belt is treated to pet hospital, the conference is a few more professional. And drug is bought in pet shop

9, can pet shop wash ear to the cat?

If need what can wash, in feline ear grow ear very easily to wait for a disease completely, pet shop can give it to undertake cleaning first with corresponding liquid medicine, good the ear mite in ear ability after be being cleaned clean go up medicine. But cleanness wants after wanting to notice to be cleaned clean, do not remain liquid medicine in ear, what can cause feline ear is unwell, lest the influence studies the medicaments curative effect of ear mite.

10, can pet shop go to feline Mi flea?

Generally speaking, pet shop can have all article related pet to sell, for instance toy of can of feline food, cat, cat, anthelmintic, at the same time pet shop still can offer feline Mi drive to the client bug and bathe, the service such as dipping, that is to say can realize feline Mi to go through drive bug and medicaments bath the purpose of flea, saying pet shop so is to be able to give kitten Mi to go of flea.
