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东风汽车集团有限公司(Dongfeng Motor Corporation),简称东风汽车,是中国最大的汽车制造商之一。东风汽车集团有限公司成立于1969年,总部位于中国湖北省武汉市。公司业务涵盖乘用车、商用车、零部件制造和汽车服务等领域。旗下拥有乘用车品牌(如东风风神、东风风行、东风风光等)、商用车品牌(如东风卡车、东风客车等)以及新能源汽车品牌(如东风风度、东风EV等)。












在动力方面,东风热门的2020年东风风行T5配备1.6L和1.5T发动机,1.6L最大功率达到122马力,峰值扭矩达到151牛米,配套5MT变速箱; 1.5T最大功率达到156马力,峰值扭矩高达230牛米,匹配6AT变速箱,可满足国6排放标准。






东风小康很便宜三万到五万共有六七车型. 现在K17也不到三万可以买下来,不过这些车不好开.你可以上网了解一下,开过的车友都说不好!


What SUV model does east wind Motor Corporation have?

1, drive wind S16

Official guidance price: 11.78-28.98 10 thousand

Level: Medium-sized SUV

Exterior of drive wind S16 is straightforward and hale, higher chassis design shows the temperament that sends cross-country car forcedly fully. 7 seat position is used inside the car, the space behaves the level with Taichun of accord with syncretic due SUV. Because use the derv motor that is 1.9T, powerful dynamical output is put on urban road to appear have some of waste one's talent on a petty job, this car is so more applicable in suburban the suburb runs hill is cross-country perhaps.

2, MX5 of east wind demeanour

Official guidance price: 10.36-13.56 10 thousand

Level: Compact model SUV

MX5 of east wind demeanour serves as compact model SUV, its automobile body dimension wants a bit bigger than be the same as scale model, so the exterior is on impressions more denounce happy event, did not reflect on the space inside the car regrettablly only come out, although discharge the floor intermediate to do not have next raised, but integral space is behaved as before in the quadrature in compasses. Among them 1.4T hand motor-car configuration abounds sexual price to compare tall.

3, scene 580Pro

Official guidance price: 10.59-11.09 10 thousand

Level: Medium-sized SUV

Regard as 7 medium-sized SUV, the sexual price of scene 580Pro is compared very tall, large space can satisfy a travel requirement of big family well inside the car, although the 3rd seat is narrower, but 23 seat can be made the same score completely lay, neither of load pull holding a person by accident. The dynamical assembly of 1.5T+CVT starts expression slants the flesh, reserve of the motivation after rising nevertheless is enougher. To domestic user, the interior trim of this car and exterior all are accorded with young the tide that turn.

4, AX7 of east wind Aeolus

Official guidance price: 8.98-14.39 10 thousand

Level: Compact model SUV

The exterior modelling of AX7 of east wind Aeolus special avant-courier is young, gules interior trim design also is revealed go out to be moved chicly feeling, but there is an experienced heart however below this youthful appearance. The 1.6T engine that this car carries did not bring much more insurgent motive force, no matter be accelerator or brake, disclosing to not have do not be about to have the breath that beg. Regard family expenses as SUV, the respect such as the dimensional configuration of this car is behaved or do not lose at be the same as scale model, if do not have too high demand to motivation, then it is a right choice.

5, faddish T5L

Official guidance price: 7.99-17.69 10 thousand

Level: Medium-sized SUV

Faddish T5L is advocate the medium-sized SUV that makes housekeeping money, domestic user pays attention to the comfortable sex of car more, so motivation is not the strong point of this car, 1.5T engine power is quickened and nod without apparent outbreak, very complaisant and smooth. The dimensional performance of this car is more outstanding, the seat layout design of 2+3+2 is reasonable, it is to install a thing to still sit no matter the person is very convenient. Besides what the exterior of faddish T5L and interior trim also accord with major customer is aesthetic, in the budget not high case falls want to buy a SUV of 7 family expenses, this car can yet be regarded as a good choice.

How much is standard of tyre pressure of Suv of east wind car?

Standard of tyre pressure of Suv of east wind car is 2.35 atmospheric pressure, same money car, same the atmospheric pressure of a model car tire is fixed, before the driver drives, should undertake detecting to atmospheric pressure, if atmospheric pressure is too high, travel is on freeway and low speed highway, on any a section of a highway, the car is incidental the phenomenon of drift, the phenomenon that become flat and cannot beforehand all sorts of phenomena of appraise

Characteristic of east wind car?

Use economy, the technology is more mature, repair is convenient, electronic system is more complete. But its are made frivolous, safety performance is relative not tall

Full name of east wind car?

Limited company of group of east wind automobile (Dongfeng Motor Corporation) , car of abbreviation east wind, it is one of China's biggest car manufacturer. Limited company of group of east wind automobile held water 1969, total position visits Wuhan town at Chinese Hubei. Company business is covered by be made with car, commercial vehicle, component and the domain such as car service. Have below the banner take the brand that use a car (like east wind Aeolus, east wind scene of faddish, east wind) , commercial vehicle brand (wait like passenger car of east wind lorry, east wind) and brand of car of new energy resources (wait like EV of east wind demeanour, east wind) .

East wind car fetched significant gain in field of new energy resources, technology of platform of new energy resources of overall already position, core, crucial resource. The company devotes oneself to to advance new energy resources and intelligence to drive transition type develops, program green wisdom gives a blue print. In prospective development, group of east wind automobile will continue to increase new energy resources and intelligence to drive the investment of the domain, promote a brand competition ability.

Celebrity of east wind car?

The first, treasure. Basically be this cropland of acting character Guangzhou, east wind day is produced, taiwan horse is amounted to oneself.

The 2nd, happy. Masses of acting character Shanghai, dragon of iron of east wind snow, guangzhou elegant cabinet.

The 3rd, luck. Cropland of abundant of acting character Japan, general, yakelaisai.

The 4th, heart treasure. Acting character Japan is faddish, the Great Wall, ni Sang.

The 5th, water. Acting character Beijing is contemporary, xi Keer, of wide north car.

East wind car how?

East wind car is good still, quality is better. It is day of department car after all, all the time with durable province oil is celebrated.

Limited company of east wind car is by this limited company of group of east wind automobile, cropland ability grinds industry (China) this investment limited company, cropland ability grinds this cropland of industrial company limited and Japan ability grinds industrial company limited is collective and contributive 50% those who establish is truckload production runs a company.

Power of east wind car?

In dynamical respect, east wind is popular faddish T5 deployed east wind 2020 1.6L and 1.5T engine, 1.6L most high-power achieves 122 horse power, peak value torque achieves 151 oxen rice, gear-box of 5MT of form a complete set; 1.5T most high-power achieves 156 horse power, peak value torque is as high as 230 oxen rice, match 6AT gear-box, can satisfy a state 6 discharge a standard.

Place of production of east wind car?

Through construction of more than 30 years, already built 10 lasher in succession (basically give priority to with facilities of equipment of medium, heavy-duty commercial vehicle, component, automobile) , assist fences (with light-duty commercial vehicle, multiply give priority to with the car) , Wuhan (use a car in order to multiply to give priority to) , Guangzhou (use a car in order to multiply to give priority to) etc, company operation center at year reached Wuhan by 10 lasher change on September 28.

Is bad news of east wind car oily?

Bad news of vehicle of east wind car is oily, it is 100 kilometers of ≥ with 1.6l Aeolus / 7.4 litres.

Is east wind car all model price car of how many east wind?

East wind well-off is very cheap 30 thousand to 50 thousand have 67 models in all. K17 also is less than now 30 thousand can buy, these cars are bad nevertheless to leave. You can understand with getting online, the Che Youdou that has left says bad!
