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您好,1. 太原:太原市区有晋祠、榆次古城、天龙山石窟等景点;周边有云冈石窟、峨眉山、五台山等。

2. 晋中:晋中市区有榆林古寺、榆次古城、南乔古镇等景点;周边有平遥古城、灵石风景区、祁县演武城等。

3. 长治:长治市区有太行大峡谷、崇文塔、五龙口风景区等景点;周边有壶口瀑布、云冈石窟、五台山等。

4. 运城:运城市区有闻喜县的木塔寺、永济市的大佛寺等景点;周边有霍州古城、濮阳铁塔、嵩山少林寺等。

5. 临汾:临汾市区有尧庙、武家大院、古城墙等景点;周边有云冈石窟、五台山、峨眉山等。














2、成吉思汗陵 成吉思汗陵占地约5.5公顷,但颇有特色,是我国内蒙古的一处主要旅游景点。成吉思汗陵坐落在内蒙伊克召盟伊金霍洛旗甘德利草原上,距东胜市70公里。成吉思汗是蒙古杰出的军事家、政治家,他在统一蒙古诸部后于1206年被推为大汗,建立了蒙古汗国。












































Does Jiangsu periphery visit city travel tourist attraction?

The circumjacent province city of Jiangsu basically is Shanghai, shandong, anhui, zhejiang. Say one by one.

Shandong is travel big province, resourceful. The Lao hill of Qingdao, seaside, marine world, 54 square are waited a moment. Of Jinan big bright lake, bao dash forward the spring. Jujube village ancient city, bridge hill beauty spot.

The Hangzhou west lake of Zhejiang, yue Wangmiao, thunder peak tower, very famed. 1000 islands lake, fine promote south lake, the beauty spot installing auspicious of lake city, mo Ganshan is waited a moment. Wen Zhou's wild goose swings hill, carry on promotes ancient town, ning Bo's Tian Yige, snow antrum hill, east Qian Hu. General Tuo hill of Zhou Shan is waited a moment.

The 9 Mount Hua of Anhui, huang Shan, grand village is given to wait a moment on the west.

Of Shanghai outside beach, nanjing road, zhu Jiajiao, 7 treasure ancient town, shanghai zoo, house of science and technology is waited a moment.

Does Chongqing periphery save city travel tourist attraction to recommend?

Have a lot of good tourist attraction, the Huang Guo of bare water, Guizhou cultivates cataract, big gorge, chengdu happy hill, hill of hill of Jiang Yan, black town, high mountain eyebrow, fierce awaits alley of ancestral temple, size child, the stone forest of lake of buy of Yunnan Li Jiang, Lu, Kunming

Does Henan save tourist attraction of the circumjacent travel that visit town to recommend?

Above all what I recommend quite is OK because Shandong has a lot of places,going to Shandong also is to be worth to look, for instance Qingdao can see the sea of stretch to the horizon, also can climb a father-in-law of course, but first of the 5 hill of our country, the Bao that still has Jinan dash forward spring, big bright lake is very pretty good

Does Shanxi save tourist attraction of the circumjacent travel that visit town to recommend?

Hello, 1. Taiyuan: Taiyuan urban district has the tourist attraction such as grotto of hill of dragon of second Gu Cheng of advance ancestral temple, Yu, day; Periphery has 5 hill of eyebrow of cloud ridge grotto, high mountain, hill to wait.

2.In advance: The urban district in advance has temple of Yu Lin Gu, Yu the tourist attraction such as ancient town of second Gu Cheng, Na Qiao;

3.Long treat: Long treat the urban district to have too the tourist attraction such as area of scene of one's intention revealed in saying of travel big gorge, Chong Wenda, 5 dragon; Periphery has 5 grotto of ridge of crock mouth chute, cloud, hill to wait.

4.Carry city: The wooden tower temple that carries urban district has Wen Xi county, always the tourist attraction such as the big Buddha temple of aid city; Periphery has Huo Zhou Shan Shaolin temple of in relief iron tower of Gu Cheng, Pu, fleabane.

5.Face Fen: The urban district that face Fen has courtyard of home of Yao Miao, fierce, ancient city wall to wait for a tourist attraction; Periphery has hill of eyebrow of 5 cloud ridge grotto, hill, high mountain to wait.

Encyclopedia of tourist attraction of Changsha periphery travel?

The key is recommended (the rank is not divided early or late)

Temple opening blessing -- the hundred years old temple of Changsha. Burning incense at the height of power and splendour.

Street of peace and tranquility -- old market of division of bright cool breeze, it is clear more on the street with characteristic small shop, still have ancient play building, and historical tourist attraction: "Gu Yi former residence " .

Hua Longchi -- the Qing Dynasty with famous Changsha a street. The market is not long, but very much sensory ~ has a friend to say, resemble.

College town -- Hunan division is old, hunan university, in south university neighbor, and without trenchant school courtyard bounds, have pretty good pure and fresh atmosphere.

Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain -- actually Yue Lu hill is among college town. Do not pass or introduce alone! There is chiliad institution of higher learning below hill " Yue Lu academy of classical learning " , the foot of a hill has " booth love evening " with Taoist or Buddhish rites of association of Hunan Province buddhism " temple of hill of the foot of mountain " , there still is Taoism Taoist or Buddhish rites on hill " palace of cloud the foot of mountain " ~~ summit bird's eye Changsha, the sense is good!

Jing Gang -- ancient town. Be located in Changsha periphery to look at city county, of the Changsha that be called " small phoenix " ~ is OK the mobile phone installs Tecent map.

Navigation- - your position reachs choice starting point terminus- - the tourist attraction that arrive! !

It is OK that direct search can choose a route, very simple!

What does Inner Mongolia periphery save city travel tourist attraction to have?

The 10 tourist attractions of Inner Mongolia that go surely greatly have: Grave of gentleman of the noisy Sha Wan, Sai Hanling that become auspicious, clear, Moergele lake of river, Hu Lun, Yue Sha lies fallow island, Chai He is travel scene area, medium Russian border land.

1, noisy Sha Wan

2, the Sai Hanling that become auspicious covers an area of about 5.5 hectare into Ji Saihan hill, but have distinguishing feature quite, the one place that is our country Inner Mongolia basically travels tourist attraction. The Sai Hanling that become auspicious is located inside to cheat Yi to overcome call together alliance banner of Yi Jinhuo the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces on Gan Deli prairie, be apart from 70 kilometers of Dong Sheng city. Becoming Jisaihan is the militarist with crackajack Mongolia, politician, he is in unified Mongolia was pushed to be kubla khah 1206 after all ministries, built Mongolia sweat nation.

3, the Le He of Mo Er case on the prairie of Chen Ba Er that Mo Er case straps river Hu Lunbei Er is called by local the first water, here is the travel tourist attraction that is landscape with horde. Here is the natural grass of Hu Lunbei Er, arrive every time the season of aquatic lush, here can collect a lot of herdsman, the horde that forms a nature whenever the summer, the herdsman of the Monggol nationality that banner of tiger of Chen Ba Er walks along Aoteer and the Ewenki nationality people be in the place of lush of this picturesque scenery, aquatic, form group of a horde naturally.

4, lake of Hu Lun of Hu Lun lake is to breathe out absolutely the one big beautiful scenery of Lun Beier prairie. Stand in lakefront to look, cannot see limit. Be being encountered in lakefront regular meeting still just is wind and cloud of fine day idling eye choppy, heavy rain had below, but western sun does not have come out, this is one god-given " sun rain "

Does Nanchang periphery save city to travel tourist attraction there is?

Teng Wangge -- Changjiang Delta one of 3 names buildings, I person thinks Nanchang is worth the tourist attraction that view and admire most, because not be beautiful money,can buy.


Memorial hall of person of 8 big hill -- who says Nanchang is a city that lacks culture connotation!


81 square -- once the whole nation divides the biggest lawn square besides Tian An Men! High school period everyday after school I should follow classmates to play football on lawn, for this camel a lot of hit and adamant a tear had not flowed. . .


81 uprise are monumental -- elegant anaglyph!


81 uprise memorial hall -- the first gun of new China armed revolution is here start shooting! Of not long ago repaired me to still donate a money again. . .


81 parks -- left the first love old practice with I and very much mermaid. . .


People park -- environment of arboreous luxuriantly green is beautiful! Begin to be able to be inside this year go angling, 5 yuan / jin, and can angle view and admire a fish to come home raise. . .


The zoo -- had not gone in a lot of years, spring of plan next year invites a gang friend to imitate when spring outing goes in hand in hand. . .


Revolutionary martyr memorial hall -- elementary school, junior high school, tall the Communist Party of China was gone in to look around 4 times by school organization.


Autumn water square -- the 3rd big music fountain of world, outdoors club has darling ass every week the 3 pedestrian activities that take autumn water square from 81 bridges in the evening.


Elephantine lake -- compare a west lake allegedly beautiful, suit to take a walk, love of go angling, Tan Lian, extramarital affair. . .


Stringy gold tower -- the history is long, annual temple fair can have a lot of other places fastfood, regrettablly I was not caught up with. . .


Plum mountain beauty spot -- darling ass is outdoors the outskirts activity base of the club, the large and outdoors activity such as orgiastic night basically is in annual anniversary celebration, christmas this one area is held, constituent new ass is occasionally pedestrian turn over Guo Meiling summit to battalion of An Yigu boorish, although highest peak has 841 meters only, still had produced stray event. . .

Does Shijiazhuang periphery save tourist attraction of travel of city Spring Festival to recommend?

For instance,

Deciding, surely dream of red building of temple of big Buddha of chiliad ancient temple films the travel ground such as the tourist attraction, drive go very convenient. Also can go the wonderful scene that camel bridge visits nature, can go western evergreen, western evergreen the archaize building that Deminggu is pressed down, pedestrian or sit sightseeing trainset is very convenient, have ski field and the land that child of field of begin to learn also can play quite good family to visit.

Does travel tourist attraction introduce Hunan Changsha periphery?

The key is recommended (the rank is not divided early or late)

Temple opening blessing -- the hundred years old temple of Changsha. Burning incense at the height of power and splendour.

Street of peace and tranquility -- old market of division of bright cool breeze, it is clear more on the street with characteristic small shop, still have ancient play building, and historical tourist attraction: "Gu Yi former residence " .

Hua Longchi -- the Qing Dynasty with famous Changsha a street. The market is not long, but very much sensory ~ has a friend to say, resemble.

College town -- Hunan division is old, hunan university, in south university neighbor, and without trenchant school courtyard bounds, have pretty good pure and fresh atmosphere.

Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain -- actually Yue Lu hill is among college town. Do not pass or introduce alone! There is chiliad institution of higher learning below hill " Yue Lu academy of classical learning " , the foot of a hill has " booth love evening " with Taoist or Buddhish rites of association of Hunan Province buddhism " temple of hill of the foot of mountain " , there still is Taoism Taoist or Buddhish rites on hill " palace of cloud the foot of mountain " ~~ summit bird's eye Changsha, the sense is good!

Jing Gang -- ancient town. Be located in Changsha periphery to look at city county, of the Changsha that be called " small phoenix " ~ is OK the mobile phone installs Tecent map. Navigation- - your position reachs choice starting point terminus- - the tourist attraction that arrive! !

It is OK that direct search can choose a route, very simple!

Does Guangxi periphery visit town?

Guangxi the eastern side is Guangdong province, yunnan province is in the west, vietnam is south, northern part is Guizhou and Hunan.
