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1. 长时间有氧运动:椭圆机是一种有氧运动器械,可以让身体处于高强度的有氧运动状态,从而能够帮助加速代谢,消耗身体多余的脂肪,特别是下半身脂肪。

2. 紧致肌肉:椭圆机可以让下肢肌肉得到较大的运动,还可以调整不同的阻力,从而可以有针对性地锻炼大腿、小腿、臀部等部位的肌肉,让肌肉更加紧致。

3. 安全性高:椭圆机对膝关节没有冲击,相对于跑步等运动更加安全,对于重度肥胖者或者有运动伤害的人来说也比较适合。

4. 方便易行:椭圆机可以在家中或者健身房使用,可以随时随地进行锻炼,不受场地和天气的限制。















1、使用瑜珈垫、跑步机、瑜伽球、 腹机板等4种健身器材可以帮助瘦肚子。







锻炼方法如下: 第一组瘦手臂动作: 手握哑铃,身体向前倾,并且双膝慢慢弯曲,记住背要挺直,不要弓着。双臂伸直,然后向后拉,使哑铃与胸部平齐,双臂紧贴身体,背部一直保持挺直状态,不能弓。双臂慢慢伸直回到最开始的状态,这就完成了一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。第二组瘦手臂动作: 双脚张开站立,距离同肩宽;拿起哑铃,手心朝下,从前面举起哑铃,使其高度与肩膀平齐,手心向前,手肘弯曲成90度角。双臂继续向上举,让肘部可以伸直,举过头顶。慢慢返回到起始位置(手肘弯曲成90度角)。一分钟内反反复复多做几下,越多越好。第三组瘦手臂动作:手拿哑铃,面朝上躺在瑜伽垫上。手臂向上举起,胳膊肘是直的,但不要绷直。双臂慢慢朝脑袋两侧放下来,哑铃到达瑜伽垫时,手肘弯曲成90度角。抬起手臂恢复到起始位置,这就是一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。但是开始得循序渐进,坚持下来一个礼拜后所有疲劳感就消失了,不然肌肉产生乳酸会让你会觉得不舒服!






Is gym thin what equipment thin leg?

1, ran machine. The quantity of heat that uses up than appliance of other sport having oxygen in the motion on ran machine is more. Move on ran machine with correct pose, body of sufficient terrestrial heat moves before ran, had done after ran sufficient extend and loosen motion, reduce leg ministry effectively adipose, mix to lower limbs especially the model form of upper limbs has the effect very much. Can give priority to in order to canter everyday, every time 30 minutes of above, exercise leg ministry effectively.

2, use feeling bicycle. Ride the muscle that uses feeling bicycle to be able to exercise leg ministry and hip, those who use up ham and crus is adipose, achieve then reduce weight effectively the purpose of . 45 minutes ride the quantity of heat that uses feeling bicycle motion to be able to use up about 500 kilocalorie, and ride move feeling bicycle to be able to exercise leg ministry not only, still can exercise the muscle of coxal, waist, back and arm adequately, and enhance heart lungs function.

3, mountaineer implement. The basis climbs the action of stair and the design principle of this equipment is designed. In motion, the muscle with a quadriceps of ham forehead, hind ham and musculus glutaeus maximus are OK and sufficient extend, use up adipose while adjust muscle line, achieve the goal of thin leg thereby. In mountain-climbing implement go up when mounting climb down, the pressure that knee joint gets should be compared go climbing Lou Xiaode truly much, the loss that because this is right,knee joint causes is very small.

Gym what exercise equipment is the poorest leg?

Want thin leg, I feel to use feeling bicycle is one best kind exercises means, because use the strength of feeling bicycle very big, and he has energy very much, fit the person of disinclination of those pairs of motion more, need decreases the crowd of fat.

What gym drills what equipment is thin leg to go to?

Thin leg basically is to brush fat. There is oxygen athletic meeting if brushing fat more effective. Can select ran machine, elliptical engine, use feeling bicycle.

The individual compares those who recommend collective to use feeling bicycle, have coach area, have music, everybody drills together, atmosphere is good. And use feeling bicycle to brushing efficiency is highest for fat.

Practice is over remember must helping department of stretch one's legs more.

What equipment does thin leg thin buttock have?

The look with thin leg thin the quickest buttock implement it is elliptical machine.

1.Have oxygen campaign for long: Elliptical machine is appliance of a kind of motion having oxygen, can let the body be in the condition of movement having oxygen of high strenth, can help thereby metabolize quickly, use up the body redundant adipose, leave half body especially adipose.

2.Send muscle closely: Elliptical machine can let lower limbs muscle get bigger exercise, still can adjust different obstruction, thereby can specific aim ground exercises the muscle of the place such as ham, crus, hip, make muscle more close send.

3.Security is high: Elliptical machine does not have concussion to knee joint, the photograph is more safe to the motion such as ran, fat to be being spent again person also suit quite for the person that perhaps has athletic harm.

4.Go to the lavatory to go easily: Elliptical machine can be in the home or gym is used, can undertake taking exercise at any time and place, do not accept the restriction of field and weather.

The athletic equipment of thin leg?

1, use feeling bicycle. Ride use feeling bicycle, basically exercise leg ministry and coxal muscle, those who use up ministry of ham, crus is adipose, can achieve effective the purpose of thin leg .

2, mountaineer implement. When taking exercise, can make flesh of the side after a quadriceps of the side before ham, ham group get sufficient drawing with musculus glutaeus maximus, use up adipose, got-up muscle line, achieve the goal of thin leg.

3, ran machine. Ran pose is correct, sufficient warm-up has been done before ran, ran hind has done sufficient drawing to loosen motion, also can decrease leg ministry effectively adipose.

Gym how thin leg?

In gym thin leg can make gymnastical bicycle, this motion has very great help to thin leg, the effect is apparent. Gymnastical bicycle is OK oneself adjust the obstruction of speed. Hold to half an hour to cycle everyday, can help a leg certainly thin come down.

The gymnastical equipment of thin leg thin abdomen?

Ran machine: Ran machine is appliance of a kind of motion having oxygen, can help combustion whole body adipose, conduce to thin leg especially. Proposal every time ran 30 minutes of above, increase ran time and strength gradually.

Handstand machine: Handstand machine can be helped reduce next abdomen adipose, strengthen abdominal muscle. When using, put both hands on bracket, let body handstand, raise a leg adagio up next, contractive and abdominal muscle, maintain a pose 10 seconds.

Bicycle: Bicycle is appliance of a kind of motion having oxygen, can help reduce femoral adipose. When using, adjust seat height and obstruction, the rate that keeps certain and time undertake riding going.

Leg ministry turns pedal chance: It is OK that leg ministry turns pedal chance the help strengthens leg ministry muscle, combustion leg ministry is adipose. When using, put the foot on footplate, undertake pushing toing step on according to fixed rate and obstruction.

Abdominal muscle trains implement: Abdominal muscle trains implement can help strengthen abdominal muscle, make abdomen closer solid. When using, according to the service instruction of appliance, choose appropriate obstruction and pose to undertake training.

Above appliance is OK and auxiliary undertake training, but more important is control food, reduce quantity of heat to absorb appropriately, strengthen motion having oxygen and core muscle training, ability achieves the result of thin abdomen and leg.

Gym what equipment is OK thin waist?

1, machine of machine of use yoga mat, ran, gem gal ball, abdomen board it is OK to wait for equipment of 4 kinds of fitnesses help thin abdomen.

2, name of yoga mat friend is thought of justice it is the pad that when be being used at practicing yoga, uses, can cut off effectively ground cold, catch soil fertility strong, doing yoga is a kind of very good thin body method, have certain help of course to decreasing abdomen.

3, motion having oxygen is one of first-rate motion reducing weight, ran is motion having oxygen head choose when its. And choose to never leave home oxygen takes exercise also is a kind of vogue, often using ran machine fitness, not only can thin abdomen, return the muscle that can exercise the whole body, make a figure well-balanced.

4, gem gal ball also calls gymnastical ball or ball of gem gal fitness, it is a kind of ball games tool that cooperates athletic fitness. You Kuo adds up to the person that the female reduces weight. The place of hollowness had better be being compared when gem gal ball is used, apply easily spread out come.

5, decreasing abdomen is experienced abdominal muscle, celiac machine board not only can thin body, still can give the muscle on abdomen take exercise come out, the man that loves fitness is used more.

Gym what equipment is OK thin arm?

Small dumbbell is the gymnastical equipment that suits thin arm most, mat of a piece of gem gal and pound of a pair of 5-8 (about 4.5-7.3 jin) heavy dumbbell can loosen gently the meat of small go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married that the pine reduces an arm to go up.

Exercise a method to be as follows: Movements of the first group of thin arms: The hand grasps dumbbell, the body is forward bend, and double genu bends slowly, remember the back wants straight, do not want bend to wear. Double arm unbend, pull backward next, make dumbbell and bosom smooth neat, double arm tightens close-fitting system, back holds erect position all the time, cannot bend. Double arm slowly unbend is returned most initial position, this finished to pat. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 2nd group of thin arms: Double foot is stretched stand, the distance is the same as shoulder breadth; Take dumbbell, control is gadarene, the face raised dumbbell once upon a time, make its are made the same score with shoulder highly neat, control is forward, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Double arm continues to be lifted up, make elbow OK unbend, had lifted the top of head. Return position of rest slowly (elbow bends 90 degrees of horn) . Relapse instead inside a minute answer do a few times more, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 3rd group of thin arms: The hand takes dumbbell, lie on gem gal mat on look out. The arm is raised up, arm ancon is straight, but do not stretch tight straight. Double arm slowly toward the head two side are put, when dumbbell arrives at gem gal to fill up, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Raise an arm to restore position of rest, this is patted namely. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. But begin to get successive, insist to come down all fatigue feeling after a chapel disappeared, otherwise muscle produces lactic acid to be able to let you can feel uncomfortable!

Gym what equipment is OK thin face?

 The project in gym, it is OK almost of thin face of thin whole body.

       E.g. ran machine, use feeling bicycle, it is so in the process of gym, of facial ministry adipose also can use up slowly.

       And in gym, can open to the outside world almost gem gal class, and in gem gal course, have a lot of actions that are the head, also be OK of thin face.

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