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长滩岛长宽? 菲律宾长滩岛气候?英文双语对照


长滩岛长宽? 菲律宾长滩岛气候?英文双语对照


长滩岛位于菲律宾中部,处于班乃岛的西北尖端,形状如同一个哑铃。整座岛不过7公里 长,却有一片长达4公里的白色沙滩,被誉为“世界上最细的沙滩”。



1. 季风影响:长滩岛受到东北季风(11月至翌年4月)和西南季风(5月至10月)的双重影响。东北季风期间,天气相对干燥、阳光明媚,气温较为凉爽;西南季风期间,带来了阵雨和多云天气,气温较高。

2. 年降水量:长滩岛年降水量较高,主要集中在西南季风期间。5月到10月是雨季,降水有时会比较密集。此时的天气多为阵雨或雷阵雨,但大部分时间仍有良好的间歇晴朗天气。

3. 日照时间:长滩岛的阳光充足,常年有较长的日照时间,适宜海滩和水上活动。

4. 气温:长滩岛的气温相对较高,年均温度约为28-30摄氏度。夏季较热,日最高温度可能会达到30摄氏度以上,而冬季相对凉爽,晚上可能会稍微降温。








4、长滩岛的饮食: 我的餐饮全部是在当地还算可以的酒店解决的,好吃是谈不上的,切忌,那里其实不适合吃海鲜,不是太干净!


如果你转机路过马尼拉,多注意的士,有可能会坑人,马尼拉不要随便乱跑。? 长滩岛是安全,安全,安全的,?重要的要说三遍。!?













相比长滩岛,无论是去尾行还是休闲的感觉都比长滩岛要好很多。 薄荷岛的范围广,包括了附近的一些热门岛屿,并且薄荷岛除了本身之外还有很多地方可以去。况且薄荷岛本身就有很多可玩的地方。比如薄荷岛上有追逐野生海豚的活动,食用蜜蜂农场养生午餐,悬崖餐厅等等,你可以去浪漫的看萤火虫,可以去眼镜猴巧克力山,还可以在苏米龙体验一岛一酒店,顺便去奥斯洛布看一下鲸鲨。如果你喜欢野营的话,也可以选择帐篷住宿。


长滩岛(Boracay),是菲律宾中部一岛屿,面积10.32平方公里,人口12,003人(2000年),属于西米沙鄢群岛,位于班乃岛西北2公里,是菲律宾的旅游胜地之一,行政区划属西米沙鄢大区的阿克兰省。1990年《BMW热带海滩手册》(BMW Tropical Beach Handbook) 就将其评选为世界最美沙滩之一。1996年,英国刊物TV Quick 更推选其为世界一流的热带海滩。2007年,长滩岛在雅虎旅游“世界最受欢迎海滩”的评选中获得第一名。长滩岛位于菲律宾中部,处于班乃岛的西北尖端,形状如同一个哑铃。整座岛不过7公里 长,却有一片长达4公里的白色沙滩,被誉为“世界上最细的沙滩”。





Is long beach island long wide?

Long beach island is located in Philippine mid, the northwest that is in Ban Naidao is most advanced, if appearance is same a dumbbell. Whole island does not cross 7 kilometers to grow, however one is as long as the white beach of 4 kilometers, be known as " the finest beach on the world " .

Climate of island of Philippine long beach?

Long beach island is located in area of Philippine made of baked clay Xi Gang, belong to intertropical maritime climate. It is the climate characteristic of long beach island below:

1.Monsoon influence: Long beach island gets northeast monsoon (will come in November immediately following in time year April) with southwest monsoon (came in May in October) dual impact. During northeast monsoon, weather photograph is beautiful to dry, sunshine, air temperature is relatively cool; During southwest monsoon, brought showery with cloudy weather, air temperature is higher.

2.Year fall: Long beach island year fall is taller, basically center during southwest monsoon. Arrived in May October is monsoon, precipitation can be compared sometimes concentrated. Right now weather is more showery or thundershower, but major while still has good intermittent and sunny weather.

3.Sunshine time: Those who grow beach island is sunny, have longer sunshine time all the year round, the activity on appropriate beach and water.

4.Air temperature: The air temperature of long beach island is opposite taller, year all temperature is 28-30 Celsius about. The summer is hotter, highest temperature may reach day 30 Celsius above, and winter is relatively cool, may drop in temperature a little in the evening.

Ask an attention, because the change of climate is mixed year of uncertainty that rainfall distributings, specific weather requirement may change somewhat. When travelling toward long beach island afore, had better examine weather forecast ahead of schedule, so that reasonable arrangement goes,Cheng and clothings are carried.

Is long beach island safe?

Go to what the travel there still compares safety growing beach island, because here the place that has been a more mature development travel, each safe facilities is very complete, you are OK and bold be at ease in here play.

Public security of long beach island how?

1, long beach island is very safe, philippine commotion is to point to blame government zone, long beach island is to belong to governmental canal to control area, I did not feel any insecure, basic I think long beach island still is in folkway guileless phase. (should receive fund or close)

2, differ without time, agree with time paragraph

3, long beach island September is to be in 30 degrees or so, it is in the evening when the seaside very cool, very comfortable. I decide they do not have the cent of what season, lowest is lukewarm 25 degrees, high temperature 40 degrees, my individual thinks is the summer.

4, the food of long beach island: My meal is to be in place to still calculate entirely possible the hotel solves, delicious be not to talk to go up, avoid by all means, do not suit to eat seafood actually over there, not be too clean!

Where is long beach island?

If your a favourable turn is transient Manila, notice a taxi more, possible meeting is scurvy, manila does not run in disorder casually. ? Long beach island is safe, safe, safe, ? Want importantly to say 3 times. ! ?

How does long beach island go?

Long beach island is Philippine famed travel resort, be located in Philippine cling to pull north looking at a province, it is a beautiful island holiday resort. It is a few kinds of means that head for long beach island below:

Plane: From the city such as Manila, old Wu non-stop flight to grows the airliner of beach island, can choose to take the scheduled flight of the airline such as aviation of Philippine aviation, old Wu Pacific Ocean.

Boat: From cling to pull harbor of Sa of Lin Sai of general of metropolis looking at a province to set out, have the liner class that heads for long beach island, boat Cheng is 3-4 hour about.

Private mosquito craft: Can fill in in Prynne Sa harbor hire is gone to before private mosquito craft long beach island, range is 1-2 hour about.

Bus: Before from Pulinsaisa harbor has, go to the bus of Ai Erni much harbor, take a boat to head for long beach island from much harbor of moxa Er Buddhist nun again next. No matter choose which kinds of means to head for long beach island, need to note safety and travel insurance problem. In addition, the proposal books good accommodation and vehicle ahead of schedule, lest appear,bother needlessly.

Why does island of Philippine long beach seal an island?

End sealed long beach island last year in April of the island, we were growing the first ten days of a month in April beach island travels. The government is heard to release the information that seals an island during travel.

There is a message to say to seal an island before, but release without the government all the time. The likelihood is to consider the travel income of long beach takes place and even countrywide economy very significant position.

But, duteerte's president is an ironhanded president, the style of work that bans poison from him can see his disposition. Grow so painful as short painful, he announces to October from April 26 26 days seal insular half an year, transform long beach old old infrastructure, improvement pollutes processing capability...

Does the choice grow beach island or field mint island?

Field mint island

Compare long beach island, the feeling that no matter be,goes end goes or lying fallow is close friends than growing beach island a lot of. The range of field mint island is wide, included a few popular islands around, and field mint island still has besides itself very much place can go. Itself of besides mint island has the place that can play more very much. There is angle on field mint island for instance the activity of feral cowfish, lunch of preserve one's health of edible bee farm, cliff dining-room is waited a moment, you can see firebug romantically, can go tarsier chocolate hill, still can experience one island in Su Milong one hotel, aosiluobu watchs go round whale shark. If you like bivouac, also can choose tent accommodation.

The plan goes growing beach island travel, beg the situation of long beach island?

Long beach island (Boracay) , it is Philippine mid one islands, area 10.32 square kilometer, population 12, 003 people (2000) , belong to archipelago of sago sanded Yan, be located in a northwest you an island 2 kilometers, it is one of Philippine travel resorts, administrative division into districts belongs to the Akelan of large area of sago sanded Yan to save. 1990 " manual of BMW intertropical beach " (BMW Tropical Beach Handbook) choose its for the world one of the most beautiful beaches. 1996, british journal TV Quick more its are choose the world's top-ranking intertropical beach. 2007, long beach island travels in Yahoo " the world is the most welcome beach " the first is obtained in choosing. Long beach island is located in Philippine mid, the northwest that is in Ban Naidao is most advanced, if appearance is same a dumbbell. Whole island does not cross 7 kilometers to grow, however one is as long as the white beach of 4 kilometers, be known as " the finest beach on the world " .

Is long beach island algal does wh what month disappear?

5-6 month

Long beach the green alga here is probably from Feburary the bottom begins to appear, next by March, April is highest peak, perhaps disappear basically in June to the end of May next. S1, s2, s3 is a Beach that is together repeatedly, can appear so.
