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个体辅导记录表 主要内容怎么写?英文双语对照


个体辅导记录表 主要内容怎么写?英文双语对照

一、个体辅导记录表 主要内容怎么写?












1. 心理健康写实记录需要按照事实真实记录自己的心理状态和情感体验。2. 写实记录需要注意客观性和真实性,不能夸大或缩小自己的情感状态。同时,需要注意记录的时效性,及时记录自己的情感变化和心理状态。3. 心理健康写实记录可以帮助人们更好地了解自己的情感状态和心理变化,有助于调节自己的情绪和心态。同时,写实记录也可以作为心理治疗的辅助工具,帮助治疗师更好地了解患者的情感状态和心理问题。









1. 学生基本情况:包括学生姓名、学号、班级等信息。

2. 学生问题:记录学生在学习、生活、情感等方面遇到的问题和困难。

3. 辅导内容:记录教师对学生所提出的问题进行的解答、指导和建议。

4. 辅导效果:记录教师的辅导是否起到了积极的作用,学生是否有所改善。

5. 下一步计划:记录教师和学生制定的下一步计划,包括解决问题的具体措施、时间安排等。

6. 其他备注:记录教师对学生的评价、对学生家庭、社会环境等方面的了解等。













One, individual coach how does main content keep record sheet?

Individual coach it is individual that we say record sheet, it is to be aimed at a child for certain so, so those who be aimed at the child is individual coach record sheet, we should write the child to be coached by us is to be in what respect is learning or be in psychological respect, next we are OK still, dot has a few questions that raise to us, we help the child undertake settlement, these can be written above.

2, does group mentality coach with individual psychology what differ?

Group mentality coachs with individual psychology both the distinction between depends on:

One, the circumstances that mentality of interactive level group coachs can offer the opportunity that tries all sorts of means and other association, experience close feeling, can satisfy sociality requirement of the member, get many sided pass on. The person that make appeal obtains the others reaction to behavior interact and enlightenment; In the circumstances that individual psychology coachs, human and interactive for man-to-man form, depth is enough but range is insufficient.

2, below the condition that mentality of group of the atmosphere that help a person coachs, "I aid everybody. Everybody aids me " . The person that appeal can get admitting not only, aid, and also give others in order to help, the organization has cohesive affinity more, can give aid to each other more between the member, of this kind of collaboration, participation concern is helpful for a member adding close close touch, the member's interaction can be promoted mutual education, mutual inspire, affect member behavior change thereby. Individual psychology coachs this kind of collaboration is deficient in quite below the condition, help each other, the concern that share is gentle atmosphere.

3, mentality of problem type group coachs when handling issue of truck of human relation, society, excel is normally individual psychology coachs; Individual psychology coachs more appropriate when facing individual deepness mood to puzzle a problem.

4, mentality of advisory technology group coachs in circumstances, human and interactive diversity and changeful, the problem that the leader faces is very complex, the leader must know the feeling of the person that appeal, and coaching he is helped know his feeling in the process, and the content that wants observation to coach brings what influence to other member, guide each members to participate in discuss. Coach in group mentality in the process, the leader wants the content of understanding discussion not only, care the member's interaction and relation even at the same time, only and individual advisory skill is insufficient, the leader must become aware exquisitely of the organization idiosyncratic with trends, use all sorts of " catalysis " the skill, latent capacity with diplomatic corps body gets developing, the target of the organization gets coming true.

5, mentality of yard institute organization coachs the mobile space with larger need, and need according to mobile content special decorate and arrange mobile space; Individual psychology coachs the space with lesser need, need not special decorate, the person that can make coach is sitting comfortably to chat with the person that appeal can.

3, does extracurricular coach does the notes guide is means written how?

The notes guides content and time record, and be necessary take a picture register check, summary attends class content and key content, ask the student reviews exercise key content, strengthen review can.

4, is mental health recorded realistically how to write?

1.Mental health records need realistically according to the fact true the mentation that records oneself and affection experience. 2. Record need to notice objectivity and authenticity realistically, cannot exaggerate or narrow oneself affection condition. In the meantime, need notices the sex of effectiveness for a given period of time of the record, record oneself affection change and mentation in time. 3. Mental health records the affection state that can assist people to understand his better and psychological change realistically, conduce to adjust oneself mood and state of mind. In the meantime, record the auxiliary tool that also can serve as psychotherapy realistically, the help treats division to understand affection condition of the patient and psychological problem better.

5, the same point that individual psychology coachs with group mentality?

Individual psychology coachs and group mentality coachs is the method that uses psychology, the technology undertakes training to the person, the self-help that help a person helps him person grow namely.

Individual psychology coachs the object that be aimed at is an individual or the object that group of a certain person coachs, those who be aimed at is a few people, or a few people

6, does group mentality coach mobile record?

Group mentality coachs mobile record, we are two kinds to undertake in the cent in carrying out an operation, one kind is the character thinks over model, after record team coachs with break, experience and lesson.

The 2nd kind is form model. A few more rigorous.

7, does the student coach record brief content?

The answer is as follows: The student coachs the record is to point to coach the content that the record when the teacher undertakes training to the student comes down, basically include the following content:

1.The student is elementary circumstance: Include student full name, learn the information such as date, class.

2.Student problem: Record student waits for the problem that the respect encounters and difficulty in study, life, affection.

3.Coach content: The solution that the question that record teacher raises to student place undertakes, guidance and proposal.

4.Coach the effect: Record a teacher coached to whether have positive effect, whether is the student improved somewhat.

5.Plan next: Record what teacher and student make to plan next, the specific measure that includes to solve a problem, timeline.

6.Other remarks: The record teacher evaluation to the student, understanding that waits for a respect to environment of student family, society.

The student coachs the study that the purpose of the record is help teacher and student understanding student and life circumstance, discover a problem, make countermeasure, the full-scale development of stimulative student.

8, coach how is content record written?

As coach content, you should be recorded so record above all coach the time that happen and place and producing two people that coach is what relation, explain next coaching what problem basically explained among the process, basically showed a few senses, explain him the other side listens at the same time clear, can understand the issue that oneself discuss deeply.

9, does the history coach how is the record written?

The history coachs the record should include student full name, date, coach content and progress circumstance. The record should be described in detail coach the understanding degree of the historical knowledge feature that involves in the process, student and problem.

Still should record a student coaching the expression in the process, if participate in,spend, the ability that attention volume intermediate range is spent and solves a problem.

In addition, the record still should include to coach the teacher's evaluation and proposal, rise in order to help a student further. Finally, the record should be saved and update regularly, so that dog,the student's study makes progress and coach the effect.

10, is certificate of mental health counsellor useful?

Above all, certificate of mental health counsellor is by the Youth League counsellor of central mental health assesses what attestation office and association of Chinese mental hygiene issue jointly " certificate of qualification of mental health counsellor " certificate is true and effective.

Next, certificate is used should understand for, the society is great to the demand of this post, if demand is strong useful. The individual thinks to want to be willing to learn only, and can learning place to be used in the life and job again is useful.

Tone heart weighs life place to feel for upside, pay attention to an experience to share, feel reasonable to be able to pay close attention to me, also welcome to express different point of view in the comment.

上一篇:power point中,关于“链接”,下列说法正确的是?英文双语对照