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A shocked dad in England couldn't believe his eyes after spotting a submerged plane on Google Earth. 英国一位父亲在谷歌地球上看到了一架水下飞机之后,震惊得不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Robert Morton, 55, found the incredible image under the sea near Edinburgh. 55岁的罗伯特·莫顿在爱丁堡附近的海底发现了这令人难以置信的一幕。 The father of three, from Doncaster, said the image appears to show an airliner under the waves. 这位来自唐卡斯特、有三个孩子的父亲表示,这张照片显示水底下有一架客机。 He told Mirror Online that the discovery was "incredible and very strange." 他在接受《镜报》采访时表示,这一发现“令人难以置信,而且非常奇怪”。

Morton, a mechanical fitter, said: "I was just looking on Google Earth and, by chance, I came across the picture of the aircraft. It looks like it is underwater." 莫顿是一个机械安装工,他说:“当时我在看谷歌地球,偶然间看到了飞机的图片。它看起来像是在水下。” "It's very, very strange. It's incredible. I have never actually seen an aircraft on Google Earth so it is very strange. It appears to be underwater." “这非常非常奇怪。不可思议。我从没在谷歌地球上见过飞机,所以这很奇怪。它似乎在水下。” So what is the story behind the picture? 那么这张照片背后的故事是什么呢? Morton says he has never heard of a plane crash in that region -- and suggests there is an earthly solution to the mystery. He described his find as a "Google anomaly." 莫顿表示,他从来没有听说过那个地区发生过飞机坠毁事故,他认为这个谜题有一个可能的结论。他将他的发现描述为“谷歌异常”。 Morton added: "I know the picture of the plane isn't really in the water, it's probably the satellite looking down on it through thin cloud giving it that appearance." 莫顿补充说:“我知道照片里的飞机不是真的在水里,很可能只是卫星穿过云拍摄的效果,让它看起来像这样。”
