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不再孤单! 美国老人现在可以用APP租孙儿陪伴!(英语双语阅读)


不再孤单! 美国老人现在可以用APP租孙儿陪伴!(英语双语阅读)

Lonely pensioners can now buy 'grandkids-on-demand' at the press of a button. 孤独的老人现在只需按下按钮就可以有一个“随叫随到的孙辈”了。 Using a new app named Papa, the elderly can call on young people to come and visit them and keep them company for $15 per hour. 通过使用一款名为Papa的手机应用,老年人只需每小时花费15美元就可以请年轻人来看望并陪伴他们。 Elderly people, who may have lost touch with their own family, can also ask their rented grandchildren to do chores and drive them around. 那些与家人失去联系的老年人,也可以请租来的孙辈做家务,并带他们出去兜风。 Papa, which is based in Miami, Florida, is available as a mobile app and a customer telephone line for those without access to a smartphone. Papa总部位于佛罗里达州迈阿密提供了手机APP,而对于那些没有智能手机的人,也提供了客服电话热线。

To use the service, seniors will first need to contact Papa through either of these methods. 为了使用这项服务,老年人首先要通过上述两种方法联系上Papa。 Papa's representatives will then provide a free consultation with the person to see how it can pair college students with them. 然后,Papa的服务代表会提供免费的咨询,确认如何将高校学生与之配对。 The app costs the elderly citizens $15 an hour and the Papa Pals receive at least $10 per visit. 这款应用每小时收费15美元,而“Papa陪护人员”每次至少可以得到10美元。 The exact sum is calculated by an algorithm and varies based on the type of trip undertaken by the Papa Pal. 确切的数字是通过一种算法计算出来的,并根据“Papa陪护人员”提供的服务类型而变化。 According to Andrew Parker, the founder and chief executive of the companionship service, most Papa Pals make on average between $20 to $30 per visit. The average visit lasts around three hours. 据该陪伴服务的创始人兼首席执行官安德鲁·帕克介绍,大多数“Papa陪护人员”平均每次上门能赚20至30美元。平均上门时间在三小时左右。

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