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After the death of SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg was announced on Tuesday, some on social media urged others to share their favourite SpongeBob memes as a tribute to the cartoonist and animator, who announced last year he had been diagnosed with ALS. 星期二海绵宝宝的创作者斯蒂芬·海伦伯格去世的消息被宣布之后,社交媒体上有人号召大家分享自己最喜欢的海绵宝宝表情包以此向这位漫画家兼动画设计师致敬。据报道,去年海伦伯格被诊断患上渐冻症(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症)。 Internet access was still a novelty when SpongeBob SquarePants started airing in May 1999 – but now, the beloved animated series has become an essential part of the online world, likely to be referenced in conversations on social media by way of one of the dozens of memes it has spawned. 1999年5月动画片《海绵宝宝》开始播出,当时使用互联网还是很新奇的事情,而如今这部备受喜爱的动画系列已成为网络世界必要的一部份。例如,这部动画片已衍生出许多表情包,而人们在社交媒体上聊天的时候就常常会用到海绵宝宝的表情包。

Stills from SpongeBob SquarePants have been appropriated and reinvented by thousands of viewers over the years, meaning images of SpongeBob and some of its companions, such as his best friend Patrick, have been used to convey various emotions and feelings such as disdain , fatigue, and malice . 多年来,成千上万的观众挪用并重塑了海绵宝宝和他的几个伙伴们的形象,例如他最好的朋友派大星。人们用这些形象传达不同的情绪和感受,例如蔑视、疲劳和怨恨。 SpongeBob SquarePants'?s online reinvention has enabled the show to age along with its fans, who were likely children when the series debuted. 海绵宝宝的粉丝们在这部动漫最初播出的时候可能还是孩子,而海绵宝宝的网络重塑使它得以与粉丝们一起成长。

下一篇:不再孤单! 美国老人现在可以用APP租孙儿陪伴!(英语双语阅读)