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欧洲各国的著名美食? 东南亚各国美食区别?英文双语对照


欧洲各国的著名美食? 东南亚各国美食区别?英文双语对照














日本-拉面 寿司美国-热狗麦当劳俄罗斯-罗宋汤鱼子酱印度-咖哩烤肉烤饼中国-臭豆腐 兰州拉面 福建沙县韩国-石锅拌饭 泡菜年糕越南-河粉咖啡泰国-榴连饭番石榴沙拉法国-葡萄酒奶酪黑松露鹅肝英国-牛排面包德国-香肠啤酒土耳其-烤肉西班牙-海鲜饭义大利-皮萨 义大利面埃及-甘蔗汁烤羊肉阿拉伯-红茶烤肉大饼巴西-pudim、musse、torta墨西哥-玉米饼新加坡-肉骨茶牙买加-烤猪排烤鸡排


有名气的美食介绍: 日本-拉面寿司 美国-热狗麦当劳 俄罗斯-罗宋汤鱼子酱 印度-咖哩烤肉烤饼 中国-臭豆腐兰州拉面福建沙县 韩国-石锅拌饭泡菜年糕 越南-河粉咖啡 泰国-榴连饭番石榴沙拉 法国-葡萄酒奶酪黑松露鹅肝 英国-牛排面包 德国-香肠啤酒 土耳其-烤肉 西班牙-海鲜饭 义大利-皮萨义大利面 埃及-甘蔗汁烤羊肉 阿拉伯-红茶烤肉大饼 巴西-pudim、musse、torta 墨西哥-玉米饼 新加坡-肉骨茶 牙买加-烤猪排烤鸡排


Every country has its own special food.The taste of each country is different, and there are many food stalls in each country.


日本-拉面 寿司 美国-热狗 麦当劳 俄罗斯-罗宋汤 鱼子酱印度-咖哩 烤肉烤饼中国-臭豆腐 兰州拉面 福建沙县韩国-石锅拌饭 泡菜 年糕越南-河粉 咖啡泰国-榴连饭 番石榴沙拉法国-葡萄酒 奶酪 黑松露 鹅肝英国-牛排 面包德国-香肠 啤酒土耳其-烤肉西班牙-海鲜饭义大利-皮萨 义大利面埃及-甘蔗汁 烤羊肉阿拉伯-红茶 烤肉 大饼巴西-pudim、musse、torta墨西哥-玉米饼新加坡-肉骨茶牙买加-烤猪排 烤鸡排


有名气的美食介绍: 日本-拉面 寿司 美国-热狗 麦当劳 俄罗斯-罗宋汤 鱼子酱 印度-咖哩 烤肉烤饼 中国-臭豆腐 兰州拉面 福建沙县 韩国-石锅拌饭 泡菜 年糕 越南-河粉 咖啡 泰国-榴连饭 番石榴沙拉 法国-葡萄酒 奶酪 黑松露 鹅肝 英国-牛排 面包 德国-香肠 啤酒 土耳其-烤肉 西班牙-海鲜饭 义大利-皮萨 义大利面 埃及-甘蔗汁 烤羊肉 阿拉伯-红茶 烤肉 大饼 巴西-pudim、musse、torta 墨西哥-玉米饼 新加坡-肉骨茶 牙买加-烤猪排 烤鸡排

















中东联系亚、欧、非三大洲,沟通大西洋和印度洋,自古以来就是东西方交通枢纽,为“两洋三洲五海”之地,战略地位极其重要 ,为争夺稀缺的淡水资源和宝贵的石油资源,也由于宗教文化差异,二战之后常年局势动荡。


One, the famous cate of European each country?

Empress presses down famous cate to be as follows:

1. crisp skin coils the tradition that crisp skin coils is town of New Zealand empress is fastfood, mouthfeel crisp, flavour delicacy is sweet, won't feel fat at the same time, the tourist scarcely that comes to here can miss this the path is fastfood.

2. bakes New Zealand of 3 article fish is travel insularity, the seafood here is very goluptious. The tourist will to here sample local characteristic bakes fact of 3 article fish to be a good fortune.

3. burns the hotpot of place of hotpot New Zealand to do not have smell of mutton, because this combines the taste of Chinese tourist very much. Of empress town place burn hotpot to be able to use sweetgrass souse, bake later ripe, flavour and home are widely divergent.

2, distinction of cate of southeast Asia each country?

The dietary culture of southeast Asia each country differs somewhat because of the relation of area, main with acid, hot, barbecue and decoct blast are given priority to, weigh taste quite.

Vietnam dish: Compared with arrange of other southeast Asia, vietnam food taste appears relaxed read smoothly. The effect that it suffers Chinese dish, France dish is the biggest, shirt-sleeve the dietary culture of Chinese and Western, relaxed, raw ingredient is weighed on cooking, boil with evaporate, stew of barbecue, , cold and dressed with sause is given priority to, the person that the boiler that heat up oil is fried is less, taste is acid sweet add trifling piquancy. Pork, beef, chicken, shrimp, scallop and all sorts of seafood are to basically feed capable person, duck flesh and hotpot are scarcer. The proportion that vegetable adds when cook is high.

Thailand dish: Because be rung by the double double image of Chinese culture and Indian culture, thailand develops the dietary culture that gave extremely rich distinguishing feature, thailand dish with its new sick at heart is hot, lubricious fragrance completely, stand proudly at southeast Asia dish is all countries. Because have Buddhist background, so Thai avoids to use the meat of chunk animal. They often are met the flesh of a chunk is mincing, mix again on medicinal herbs and flavor. The cooking method of Thailand tradition is evaporate is boiled, bake or barbecue. Thai breakfast likes to eat lardy cake, sweet biscuit, pilchard, Western-style mug-up, much person omelette. Staple food is with rice in daily life, love has fish, but do not eat seafood.

Ma Lai dish: The woman offends culture is culture of a kind of history not only also be culture of a kind of food, the woman offends dish confluence the gust of Chinese dish and type of southeast Asia dish, ten billabong are taken to go in Ma Laiyi, be like sweet the pork of cutlet of pig of sauce pig hoof, decoct, bamboo shoot that stew is his characteristic dish type. Be fond of the person that feeds sweetmeats to also can offend the sweetmeats that the woman finds to offend characteristic in dish in the woman. The woman offends 1000 cake, woman to offend cake of pasture of cloth of coco of halberd of class of sucrose coco silk, banana, rainbow, woman to offend sponge cake and rice cake of coconut silk glutinous to wait, it is conventional woman offends sweetmeat. Because of geographical relation, previously middle east, the ship that India and Chinese contact are in business must pass Ma Liujia channel, southeast Asia each country was become surely the road of classics, became naturally also hand in collect a station, each country businessman can stay here, always reside here even. This area once also was the colony to western each country.

In south because the peninsula is in China with south and get a name. In south peninsula north is linked together with Chinese landscape, relief north Gao Na is low, high mountain great river from north Xiangna is outspread, form the upper configuration that alternate with of the land of country, vertical row distributings.

The river originates mostly at Chinese southwest, upper reaches gallops in high mountain ridges, flow is rapid, contain is worn downstream wadi of rich hydrodlectric resources; broadens, streams runs delay, silt deposit, form capacious alluvial Campagna and delta. Campagna and delta area are populous, development history is long, it is the important agriculture area of southeast Asia.

3, what does the cate of world each country have?

Japan - United States of department of the birthday that play a side - Russia of hot dog Mcdonald's - India of caviar of Luo Song soup - China of curry barbecue scone - Lanzhou of strong-smelling preserved bean curd pulls Korea of face Fujian sanded county - stone boiler mixes Vietnam of New Year cake of rice pickled vegetables - Thailand of river pink coffee - pomegranate connects a meal guava

4, what characteristic cate does world each country have?

Have the cate introduction of fame: Japan - United States of department of the birthday that play a side - Russia of hot dog Mcdonald's - India of caviar of Luo Song soup - China of curry barbecue scone - Lanzhou of strong-smelling preserved bean curd pulls Korea of face Fujian sanded county - stone boiler mixes Vietnam of New Year cake of rice pickled vegetables - Thailand of river pink coffee - pomegranate connects a meal guava

5, does English of stall of cate of each country characteristic write a composition?

Every Country Has Its Own Special Food.The Taste Of Each Country Is Different, and There Are Many Food Stalls In Each Country.

6, does world each country have those characteristic cate?

Japan - United States of department of the birthday that play a side - Russia of hot dog Mcdonald's - India of caviar of Luo Song soup - China of curry barbecue scone - Lanzhou of strong-smelling preserved bean curd pulls Korea of face Fujian sanded county - stone boiler mixes Vietnam of New Year cake of rice pickled vegetables - Thailand of river pink coffee - pomegranate connects a meal guava

7, what does world each country have to compare distinctive cate?

Have the cate introduction of fame: Japan - United States of department of the birthday that play a side - Russia of hot dog Mcdonald's - India of caviar of Luo Song soup - China of curry barbecue scone - Lanzhou of strong-smelling preserved bean curd pulls Korea of face Fujian sanded county - stone boiler mixes Vietnam of New Year cake of rice pickled vegetables - Thailand of river pink coffee - pomegranate connects a meal guava

8, which first phase is world youth says to tell each country cate?

" for generations youth says " head season first phase, "Each country cate collides greatly " . Bell Wen coronal and groups of Malaysia girl A Di, Egypt is small Mu Xiaolong and Zhang Yisheng of West Africa little elder brother made China's most traditional dumpling together, a Di still did meal of Malaysia coco oar, everybody made the expert food of respective country together. Cook livelily in atmosphere, bell Wen coronal was described to everybody reunite in the process that make and experience happily in the dumpling in Chinese family, and " go out dumpling face coming home " the implied meaning that Chinese tradition is used to.

9, bird of each country country?

Red -crowned crane. Red-crowned crane, the bird is not the country of our country he not was belonged to. In bright Qing Dynasty moment gives it on the history gift exalted faithful meaning, in what taste civilian fill take on the red -crowned crane on embroider serves as a mark, accordingly it also is called by people taste a bird, what still be not Chang Jixiang is indicative, for instance a lot of pictures are made, embroider tastes the figure that can have red -crowned crane, disparate movements compares different auspicious sign, but mix be promoted about. Fly in sky for instance, be tasted to rise for one by the analogy. However helpless is, our country knows a state the person of the bird is very few, do not have a few people to know.

Hoary head eagle. Call America vulture again, the country that is the United States bird. Build of this kind of bird of prey is very big, height can grow a meter, wing is held have two meters many. Only neck is mixed end feather is white, the others feather all is puce. The bird of prey with this kind of peculiar North America is by June 1782 by legislative make choice of, determine the position of American country bird.

Green pheasant. Japan is peculiar, live at low bush or in meadow ground, was decided to be a country 1947 bird. Body of bird of this kind of birds is strong, but wing degrades, not good at long flight, however claw is very strong and keen, was good at walk and digging land base insect from this, plant rootstock as food. Their male is avian very outside and luxuriant, ability attracts female.

Magpie. Be like us here is very common also, but the country that is Korea bird. Body physical ability grows to 449 centimeters, systemic feather presents purple, glaucous perhaps glance, it is black actually. There is white feather in shoulder place only. The comparison that they eat is miscellaneous, plant seed, insect, other even and avian fledgling and bird egg can make their food.

Phoenix end is green bite cuckoo. The country that this is Guatemala bird, type of build or figure is greater, it is to bite cuckoo kind in type of build or figure is the greatest, whole can achieve even the tail 70 centimeters. Appearance of this kind of bird is particularly luxuriant, integral verdigris is lubricious, return those who have metallic quality to glance, bosom has gules feather, still have a Bai Huan. Breed period just can show him to grow long end feather, female is attracted since.

Hummer. Very lovely super and tiny avian, the country that is a Trinidad and Tobago bird. When they fly, wing is patted move very extremely fast, even can halt is in sky, perhaps falling to fly.

Rainbow toucan. Live at Mexico, guatemala and other places, the country that is Belize bird. This is a kind of bodily form climbs birds mediumly, feather basically is purplish blue color and black, bright citric yellow feather is long in bosom, blue foot, white hip, end abdomen is taken away again vermeil, glow all over.

Naval bird. The state that how carries melon and Babula bird, large seabird, double wing is long and thin, bird end submits broach form. Larynx bursa does not have feather, vermeil, male meeting beat removes it when courtship. Mouth of this kind of bird is very long draw written complaint, very be helpful for attack.

10, middle east each country?

On the west inferior country and area include: Chief of a tribe of couplet of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, A, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Cyprus, Gelujiya, Armenia, Azerbaijan He Afu sweat.

North Africa country and area include: Archipelago of Egypt, Libyan, Tunisia, Algerian, Moroccan, Ma Dela, inferior Su Erqun island and on the west Sahala.

Patulous data

Climate type basically is intertropical and desert climate (include semi-tropical desert climate) , continental climate of Mediterranean climate, temperate zone, among them intertropical and desert climate distributings the widest. Landform is given priority to with highland and Campagna. Main river has Euphrates, Nile to wait.

Middle east is contacted inferior, Europe, blame 3 continent, communication Atlantic and the indian ocean, it is hub of thing honest liaison man from of old, for " two ocean 3 continent 5 seas " the ground, strategic position all in all, for contention rare the fresh water resource that lack and valuable oil resource, also as a result of religious culture difference, after World War II all the year round condition is queasy.

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