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类似知乎的平台? 诲女知之乎知的意思?英文双语对照


类似知乎的平台? 诲女知之乎知的意思?英文双语对照











教诲的意思【原文】 2·17 子曰:“由(1),诲女(2),知之乎?知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.”

【注释】 (1)由:姓仲名由,字子路.生于公元前542年,孔子的学生,长期追随孔子.(2)女:同汝,你.【译文】 孔子说:“由,我教给你怎样做的话,你明白了吗?知道的就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这就是智慧啊!” 【评析】 本章里孔子说出了一个深刻的道理:“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.”


诲汝知之乎 知的意思?
























1. 改善心肺功能:有氧健身操通过快节奏和连续运动,可以提高心脏和肺部的工作能力,加强血液循环和氧气输送,从而改善心肺功能。

2. 增强耐力和持久力:有氧健身操是一种长时间的有氧运动,通过持续的运动和训练,可以提高肌肉耐力和身体的持久力,增加身体的耐力。

3. 促进脂肪燃烧:有氧健身操是一种高效的燃烧卡路里的运动方式,通过快节奏和全身的动作,可以加速脂肪燃烧,达到减肥和塑形的效果。

4. 提高协调性和灵活性:有氧健身操的动作通常是连续和多样化的,要求身体的协调性和灵活性,通过长期的训练,可以提高身体的协调性和灵活度。






知读音是 zhī




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Instruct daughter knows the meaning that know?

The meaning of instruction [textual] 2 · 17 child say: "By (1) , instruct daughter (2) , know? Know to know, do not know to be do not know, it is to know also. It is to know also..

[annotate] (1) by: The name that surname intermediate by, word child road. Be born at BC 542 years, the student of Confucius, long-term follow Confucius. (2) daughter: With you, you. [translation] Confucius says: "By, my teaching gives you the word that how becomes, did you understand? Those who know is to know, do not know even if do not know, this is wisdom! " [review analyse] the truth that this Zhang Li Confucius spoke a profundity: "Know to know, do not know to be do not know, it is to know also. It is to know also..

To literacy knowledge and other society knowledge, people ought to learn modest study, assiduously, try more to master as far as possible. But the person's knowledge is again substantial, always have the problem that does not know. So, with respect to the attitude that ought to have be practical and realistic. Only such, ability acquires more knowledge.

Instruct Ru Zhizhi the meaning that know?

1, of instruct Ru Zhizhi " know " meaning: Knowing ~ is to point to known meaning, if know,do not know firstly secondly, know character of all without exception, this word to who to know to say.

The meaning that makes know, if inform, know to meet, know sheet. Intellectual meaning, be like to apply for a job, ignorance. Old times points to the director's meaning, if know a county, know government office, v/arc person in charge of reception at ceremonies.

2, the place on put together is narrated, namely " know " meaning.

Are there oxygen fitness and the distinction of the fitness that do not have oxygen?

Fitness having oxygen and the fitness that do not have oxygen is two kinds of different fitness kind, the energy source that when their distinction depends on motion, uses is different. Fitness having oxygen is to point to undertake long, low the motion to moderate strength, canter for example, swim, dancing having oxygen, way of this kind of movement basically relies on metabolization having oxygen to provide energy, need oxygen to participate in namely, in carrying oxygen musculature through breathing circulatory system thereby, make the energy material inside musculature decomposes the energy with enough generation, manage the campaign of the body thereby.

The fitness that do not have oxygen is to point to the campaign that has high strenth, short time, for example weight lifting, tantivy, climb etc, way of this kind of movement basically relies on the metabolization that do not have oxygen to provide energy, do not need oxygen to participate in namely, pass what muscle internal energy measures material to decompose thereby, direct generation energy is used for the body.

As a whole, fitness having oxygen basically is to improve heart lungs function, increase endurance and reduce fat; And the fitness that do not have oxygen basically is to strengthen muscle force is mixed erupt force. According to gymnastical purpose of the individual and body state, can choose to have the oxygen, fitness kind that does not have oxygen or both union.

This call the meaning that know?

In the problem " this call " means: What say probably is this truth.

Understand this, need notes the following points:

1, " this call " out of a word learns a Dai Sheng at ceremony of the Western Han Dynasty " although have fine meat and fish dishes " one article. Former sentence be: This call? The person that ask is in quote this word when, was defeated more " know " word.

2, " this call " in " its " , it is the word that represents conjectural mood, means probably.

3, " this call " in " " be answer point to pronoun, answer point to prepositive object " this " .

4, " this call " it is an inverted sentence, attribute kind of the buy before among them object. Namely " its call this " .

Know cannot suddenly meaning?

The subject replies: Know these idea cannot come true suddenly above the path.

Out: Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty " Chibi is endowed with "

Textual section chooses:

Perillaseed is sorrowful-looking, serious, and ask the guest says: "Why be its like that also? " the guest says: "' lunar star is rare, black flies south magpie. ' is this not Cao Mengde's poem? Summerly mouth looks on the west, wu Chang looks east, miao of photograph of mountains and rivers-land, gloomy grey, is this not the person that does Meng Dezhi strand Yu Zhoulang? Square its defeat Jing Zhou, hill of lower reaches of the Changjiang River, direct current and east also, a thousand li aing convoy of ships, my sky of banners and flags, shai wine is faced river, horizontal Shuo composes a poem, the hero of solid generation also, how be now? Kuang Wu and child on Zhu Zhi of fishing firewood Yu Jiang, associate fish shrimp and friendly elk, drive one leaf small boat, the goblet that lift Pao with be being belonged to. Send ground of mayfly Yu Tian, one of insignificant the sea millet. Of Ai Wusheng instantly, those who admire the Yangtse River is boundless. Nip flying celestial being with roam, hold the bright moon in the arms and grow eventually. Know cannot get suddenly, hold noisy Yu Beifeng of involuntary discharge of urine in the palm. Hold noisy Yu Beifeng of involuntary discharge of urine in the palm..

It is dry that the university has oxygen fitness?

The university has oxygen fitness is a kind of exercising means, aim to pass motion having oxygen to enhance heart lungs function, raise metabolization level, reduce put oneself in another's position adipose, add muscle quality, improvement mentation. In the university, fitness having oxygen can help students ease school work pressure, enhance fitness, enhance immune power, promote healthy. In addition, fitness having oxygen still can help students foster good habits and customs and healthy consciousness, get used to an undergraduate to live better thereby, the job that is future and life lay healthy foundation.

Is there the profit of oxygen setting-up exercise?

Setting-up exercise having oxygen has advantage of the following function:

1.Improve heart lungs function: Setting-up exercise having oxygen passes fast rhythm and successive motion, can increase the working capacity of heart and lung, strengthen haemal circulation and oxygen to carry, improve heart lungs function thereby.

2.Enhance endurance and durable power: Setting-up exercise having oxygen is a kind of long campaign having oxygen, pass persistent motion and training, can enhance the durable power of muscle endurance and body, increase the staying power of the body.

3.Promote adipose combustion: Setting-up exercise having oxygen is the athletic way of a kind of efficient combustion calorie, pass the act of fast rhythm and whole body, can quicken adipose combustion, achieve reduce weight and the effect of model form.

4.Increase harmonious sex and flexibility: The movement of setting-up exercise having oxygen is successive normally with diversification, the harmonious sex of requirement body and flexibility, pass long-term training, can raise the harmonious sex of the body and nimbleness.

You female know meaning?

Should be " instruct daughter knows " , means: Let my teaching be treated to you know with insensible manner.

Instruct Ru Zhizhi pronunciation?

Instruct pronunciation is Hu ì

Your pronunciation is R ǔ

Knowing pronunciation is Zh ī

pronunciation is Zh ī

pronunciation is H ū

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