本人亲自坐飞机托运过宠物,下面为大家分享下坐飞机,如何托运宠物相关的经验: 自己随机托运:1)定机票,确认飞机有有氧舱可用。2)航空公司官网申请小动物托运申请。3)办检疫证明。3.1)确定疫苗有效。(宠物医院)3.2)凭疫苗本开筛查报告。(宠物医院)3.3)贫筛查报告开检疫证明。(疫苗申报点)4)拿着申请表和检疫证明去机场办托运交费。整个过程差不多半个小时吧,还是挺快的。缺点是麻烦,优点是便宜。个人建议,不专业的,没有时间的,还是找专业的空运平台,个人推荐选择悟空丰运,是顺丰全资子公司旗下的宠物空运品牌。
办理托运手续有什么难的 第一步 打电话给航空公司确认要乘坐的航班有没有有氧舱(有有氧舱就预订 12小时内收到预订成功短信 没有有氧舱的换趟飞机)再提供宝贝的品种(短鼻子不能坐飞机)体重 宠物托运箱的尺寸 宠物可以自己坐飞机的 步骤一样 只是你不需要订票 需要到目的地机场接
第二步 确认好了第一步就是自己买票了 然后订好去机场的滴滴
第三步 出发前两天去当地的动物检疫部门办检疫证 不管哪个航空都要这个的 去了就能办 免费的!免费的!免费的!(各地要求不一样 多数地方需要带些宝贝当年打针的证明)
第四步 行程当天美滋滋的带着宝贝去机场喽~
第五步 !!!重点来了!!!有些人在网上能找到宠物托运代办的(小型犬一次400-600不等) 不用信!因为以上四步还要你自己去办(最繁琐的第一步已经过去了 剩下的根本不是事)花钱找来的人看似帮你很大忙 其实都是正常程序 到了机场先找到办理登机的窗口询问宠物托运窗口具体是哪个 接着去打包处打包一下箱子费用20-30(箱子外面要包一层网 自己备一个稳妥) 然后工作人员要什么给什么就可以了 你的登机也一起办理好了 托运费用很便宜(比寄养便宜)北京到三亚260左右
第六步 自己过安检等着上飞机就好了
第七步 您已到达目的地~下了飞机必去的地方!~行李转盘~恭喜啦 你的宝贝和行李会优先出来 因为你是优先乘客~~然后就可以开开心心的带着宝贝回家了!!!
PS : 1.狗狗托运前要断水断粮12小时 夏天热就给少喝点吧 别中暑
3.打包的带子不好开 找好心人借打火机或者钥匙啥的
1. 重量和尺寸限制:航空公司通常会规定宠物托运的重量和尺寸限制。一般来说,宠物和其容器的总重量通常不能超过一定限制,例如一般限制为在8-10公斤之间。另外,宠物容器的尺寸也要符合航空公司的规定。
2. 宠物种类限制:一些航空公司可能对宠物种类进行限制,通常只会允许托运猫和狗。对于其他类型的宠物,如鸟类、兔子、爬行动物等,可能需要特殊的安排或禁止托运。
3. 托运安排:宠物需要托运在货舱中,而不是客舱中。航空公司通常会要求宠物主人提前预订托运服务,并遵守相应的流程和要求。提前预订宠物托运服务是为了确保航空公司有充足的容量和适当的安排来接收和照顾宠物。
4. 健康证明:一些航空公司和国家/地区可能要求宠物提供健康证明或兽医检查报告,以确保宠物健康,并符合运输要求。这些证明通常应包括宠物的疫苗记录、体检结果和其它相关医疗证明。
宠物通常不能随主人一起进入客舱,但经航空公司特许,导盲犬、助听犬等工作犬可以放在客舱内。其他小动物可以放在航班的有氧舱内作为行李托运。中国民航规定,航空公司接受运输的小动物是指家庭驯养的狗、猫、鸟或其它玩赏宠物,野生动物和具有形体怪异或者易于伤人等特性的动物如蛇等,不能作为行李运输,但可以作为货物运输。此外,一般航空公司都规定不托运在怀孕期、哺乳期和分娩48小时内的动物。小动物是指家庭驯养的宠物猫、宠物狗。具有攻击性或易于伤人等特性的动物,如藏獒、斗牛犬,不属于该范围。每个航班最多允许载运两个装有小动物的容器;每个装载小动物的容器总重量(包括其中的小动物以及食物和水的重量)不得超过 32kg,否则必须作为货物运输。
1、办检疫证明: 到检疫局办理,很多宠物店可以帮你搞定,费用差不了多少 。
2、买一个航空箱: 宠物店一般都有宠物专用航空箱,几十到几百不等。
4、托运 :提前三个小时到机场办理宠物托运手续,具体地点咨询机场地面服务人员。
5、费用 :全额票价的1.5%/公斤,例如全额票价1000元,宠物10公斤,那么运费为:1000×1.5%X10=150元。
6、取货 :到港后至少一个小时后到机场货运处取货,货运处可能还会收取5元的手续费。
7、取货后 :你的宠物在飞机上度过了新鲜、刺激、恐惧、孤独、不安的几个小时,所以你见到它首先一定要安抚,还有长时间坐飞机,容易渴,一定要给水喝。
8、其他 :如果你的宠物在异地,可以委托他人按上述手续,你只要到机场去接你的宠物就可以了。
The plane consigns pet flow to be as follows:
Pet aviation box consigns: Above all you should tell airline ahead of schedule your pet is how old, how much is weight, airline can inform the regulation that the greatest weight of your pet and baggage consign.
Buy pet insurance ahead of schedule: Domestic airlines consigns dog dog must whole journey buys insurance, international plane consigns dog dog to need to offer wild dog vaccine to prove, formalities neat a versatile person can be dealt with consign.
Deal with consign formalities: You need to shift to an earlier date 2 hours reach the airport, taking pet, aviation box and above mentioned relevant certificate reachs the airport, go goods station is dealt with consign formalities, according to the airliner time that airline appoints, put pet and baggage into pet box.
Receive pet: After the airliner arrives, carry pet and baggage, go goods station gets pet, and shipping list is carried on the belt, can seize the opportunity after the pet that get the mouth receives a dog.
Oneself had consigned pet by air personally, share for everybody below below by air, how to consign the experience related pet: Oneself are consigned randomly: 1) calm airline ticket, affirm the plane has cabin having oxygen to be able to be used. 2) puppy of application of airline official net consigns application. 3) do quarantine proof. 3.1) affirmatory vaccine is effective. (pet hospital) 3.2) open a sieve to check a report originally by vaccine. (pet hospital) 3.3) deficient sieve checks a report to open quarantine proof. (vaccine declares a dot) 4) is taking application form and quarantine proof to go to the airport doing consign pay fee. Whole cross path difference not likely hour, quite fast still. Defect is troublesome, the advantage is cheap. The individual suggests, not professional, do not have time, still look for professional airborne platform, the individual recommends a choice to realize empty abundant to carry, it is suitable abundant the pet with wholy-owned subordinate subsidiary is airborne brand.
Deal with the first situation with consign formalities what to have bad to phone airline to affirm the scheduled flight that should take has oxygen cabin (cabin having oxygen books 12 hour adduction to go to those who book successful short message to did not have oxygen cabin to change time of plane) the variety that offers good-for-nothing or queer character again (weak point
The 2nd situation has acknowledged the first condition is him the drop that goes to the airport has been ordered after the be clear that buy a ticket
Before the 3rd pace sets out two days went to what no matter which aviation wants this,animal quarantine branch of place handles quarantine card can do free! Free! Free! (each district requirement is different the proof that most place needs to take some of baby to give or take an injection in those days)
The belt of very pleased with oneself wore travel of the 4th stage that day baby goes to the airport ~
The 5th pace! ! ! The key came! ! ! Some people can find pet to consign on the net do sth for sb (small-sized dog 400-600 differs) need not believe! Because of above 4 paces even yourself goes doing (what the trivallest the first pace had gone to remain is a thing far from) beautiful money looks for comer to look be like a side you are very very busy it is normal actually the program went to the airport to be found first
It is good that the 6th him pace brings the aircraft on the move such as check too
You already reached the 7th stage the place that destination ~ left a plane to go surely! ~ of ~ baggage dial congratulations your baby and baggage will be preferential because you are ~ of preferential passenger ~ ,come out can take baby happily to come home next! ! !
PS: 1. Run out of grain should cut off the water supply 12 hours before dog dog is consigned heat gives summer to drink a dot less do not suffer heatstroke
2. receives baby to be gotten at once give off to the outside will let him move move feed bit of water again
The belt that 3. bales is bad to leave look for good intention person to borrow lighter or of key what
Whether does the flight number that airline phone should make decide you are decided when 1. orders airline ticket have cabin having oxygen. It is OK whether the dog dog that you take accords with a requirement by air.
2. application puppy is special carriage service, airline applies for to be able to have effectiveness for a given period of time commonly to this, for instance Dong Hang is to taking off before 48 hours before, so everybody must shift to an earlier date two days to apply for, exceed this time they won't be accepted.
3. is in measure 1 later, can prepare to do quarantine to prove, this proof is inside 5 days effective, so, it is to want to be dealt with inside before the airliner takes off 5 days.
Do quarantine to prove to need to taking dog of aviation box, dog, vaccinal testimony, they can give aviation box disinfection. (have demand of a time again here: Dog dog must inject wild dog is vaccinal 21 days of above)
After proof of 4. vaccinal card, quarantine is all ready, can apply for to have oxygen cabin to airline.
The forehead that plane pet consigns is spent may mix because of different airline country / the aviation of the area carries a provision and differ somewhat. It is a few common pet consign regulation and limitation below:
1.Weight and dimension restrict: Airline can stipulate the weight that pet consigns and dimension are restricted normally. Generally speaking, the gross weight of pet and its container cannot exceed certain limitation normally, restrict commonly for example for in 8-10 kilogram between. Additional, the dimension of pet container also should accord with the regulation of airline.
2.Pet sort restricts: A few airline may be phyletic to pet undertake limitative, can allow to consign cat and dog only normally. To the pet of other type, wait like avian, bunny, reptile, the likelihood needs special arrangement or prohibit consigning.
3.Consign arrangement: Pet needs to be consigned in hold, is not cabin in. Airline can ask pet host is booked ahead of schedule normally consign a service, abide by corresponding flow and requirement. Booking pet to consign a service ahead of schedule is to ensure airline has sufficient capacity and proper arrangement to receive and take care of pet.
4.Healthy proof: A few airline and country / the area may ask pet offers healthy proof or vet checks a report, in order to ensure pet is healthy, accord with carriage requirement. Medical treatment proves related result of the vaccinal record that these prove to should include pet normally, check-up and other.
Ask an attention, exact pet consigns regulation and requirement to meet according to airline, country / area and airliner time wait for an element and differ somewhat. Accordingly, before the flight that plans pet, suggest you and specific airline contact the regulation with understanding them and requirement, ensure you already satisfied all conditions and preparative work.
The plane consigns pet flow:
1. makes the wild dog vaccine of good pet above all, can have a green, pet by air before conduction quarantine proof. Rapid movement Ministry of Aviation can ask you are taking pet to do quarantine, you ought to be in place examine station of check animal epidemic disease goes quarantine proof, fangke is carried.
2. calls airline ahead of schedule, book cabin seat or berth having oxygen, had better be the nonstop flight number with small probability of incur loss through delay (do not cross station or) of change trains airliner, type has been jumped over newlier, the control of temperature of cabin having oxygen of old model is not quite good.
Try to win sb's favor of box of 3. pet aviation, airline regulation pet can be free inside aviation box turn and stand. Back cannot withstand basket, convenient hello feed but cannot let pet any place are extended in appearing, bite another person.
Before 4. sets out do not feed in the morning feed, a few water supply, big pet dog wants to wear guaze mask, little pet dog cannot use downer, in box a place of strategic importance enters a big towel, reduce bumpy collision to be able to give pet dog grind one's teeth goof again namely during transit.
5. shifted to an earlier date that day 2 deal with to the airport to 3 hours belt board the plane formalities, show immune card and quarantine evidence.
The plane below 6. is taking the local extraction of baggage, or original of the Id on the belt goes to the airport the extraction of goods station.
1, pet leaves the country also must want and discrepancy condition card handles like the person, that person should handle healthy card, pet also needs to do, go pet epidemic prevention station makes all inspections, also want exsanguinate to check, do good evidence to build good rule again next.
Still the proof that gives or take an injection before lets epidemic prevention station register reopen a proof gives you. The pet that is you even takes a piece of picture.
2, enter a country what you want to had checked us to go on the net first is which country, some countries need to enter a country of licence, enter a country licence needs to be applied ahead of schedule, had done to enter a country only licence you just can take your pet to that country.
Several countries need, some countries are done not have so severe, can arrive destination does again enter a country card, every country also has such handling affairs to nod.
4, before ordering a ticket, contact airline, determine the airliner number that can bring pet, require proof, procedure with place, conduction time and measure, and in advance multiplies phone of airline freight ministry one day to order cabin to place.
2, basis airline regulation, the animal quarantine that needs to offer branch of quarantine of sanitation of prefectural class above to show proves (valid healthy proof and) of vaccinal inject proof. Quarantine proves period of efficacy is longer for 7 days.
5, the container of shipping puppy of choose and buy. Had been filled in airline official net and print " puppy consigns application sheet " .
Pet cannot enter cabin together along with host normally, but via airline concessionary, guide blind dog, aid listen to the working dog such as the dog to be able to be put inside cabin. Other puppy can be put inside the cabin having oxygen of the airliner to be consigned as baggage. Chinese civil aviaton sets, airline accepts carriage puppy is the dog that shows the family domesticates, cat, bird or other enjoy pet, wild animal is mixed a corporeal system is unusual the animal that perhaps hurts the character such as the person easily is like a snake to wait, cannot carry as baggage, but can serve as freightage. In addition, general airline sets do not consign in bosom pregnancy, lactation and childbirth 48 hours the animal inside. Puppy is dog of the pet cat that shows the family domesticates, pet. Have aggressiveness or the animal that hurt the character such as the person easily, if hide dog of mastiff, bullfight, do not belong to this limits. Every airliner allows transport at most two container of puppy; Every lade the container gross weight of puppy (the weight that includes among them puppy and food and water) must not exceed 32kg, must serve as freightage otherwise.
The flow that consigns commonly is:
1, do quarantine proof: Deal with to quarantine bureau, shop of a lot of pet can help you do calm, how much cannot charge differ.
2, buy an aviation box: Pet shop has pet commonly special aviation box, a few to hundreds of differ.
3, the preparation before consigning: Before ordering a ticket, had better affirm whether place allows to take pet by airliner plane, whether to have hold of live body animal namely, have commonly;
4, consign: Ahead of schedule 3 hours consign formalities to airport conduction pet, specific dot seeks advice from airport ground to serve personnel.
5, charge: The 1.5 % of sum fare / kilogram, for example sum fare 1000 yuan, pet 10 kilograms, so freight is: 1000 × 1.5%X10=150 yuan.
6, engaging the load: Handle engaging the load to airport freight transport to a hour hind after harbor, freight place may return meeting collection 5 yuan poundage.
7, after engaging the load: Your pet aboard spent a few fresh, exciting, scared, alone, disturbed hours, so you see it must be pacified above all, still have long by air, easy thirsty, must water supply is drunk.
8, other: If your pet is in different ground, can entrust other to press afore-mentioned formalities, the pet that you should receive you only to the airport is OK.
Pet by air consign fare level: Weight of dog of dog of 1.5%(of price of airline ticket full + basket weight) + bale 10 yuan only cost (you oneself can pay this charge airline) . Pet consigns common step to be randomly: Choose airline ticket → to enquire → of cabin having oxygen applies for to oxygen cabin → prepares relevant certificate → to buy aviation box → to deal with consign to home randomly.
If want to consign pet certainly, must understand consign flow and roughly charge. The price that actually the plane consigns pet is not cheap, but taking beloved pet to travel also is not to cannot be accepted.
Pet aviation consigns flow:
The first pace: It is to want above all: Decide airliner time and cabin seat or berth.
The 2nd pace: Immunity proves animal health. The pet of your home injects after vaccine, can obtain proof of animal health immunity;
The 3rd pace: After certain route, one day before set out or the pet on the belt and healthy immunity proof moved plant quarantine mechanism to have checkup that day, quarantine personnel finishs can open after the examination leave the country proof of animal quarantine qualification, animal and proof of disinfection of animal product means of delivery;
The 4th pace: Box of the pet on the belt before setting out, special aviation and afore-mentioned 3 card move content sanitation epidemic prevention to supervise place to accept quarantine to supervise an examination to place. Supervisor of the epidemic prevention after the examination is eligible just can prove to go up in quarantine build epidemic prevention to supervise official seal.
Last pace: Box of the pet on the belt, aviation, afore-mentioned conduction finished 3 testimony, to airline freight place conduction pet consigns formalities can.