哭不是有氧运动。1. 哭虽然可以促进身体的新陈代谢,但并不能满足有氧运动的基本要求,如持续的长时间运动等。2. 有氧运动通常需要进行数十分钟以上的中高强度的有氧运动,而哭的时间和强度不足以达到这种标准。3. 因此,哭更适合作为一种情感释放或者情绪宣泄的方法,但不可以视为有氧运动的替代方式。
唱歌属于有氧运动 人们唱歌时能将呼吸频率减慢到4~6次/分。在合唱的循环呼吸练习中,呼吸频率还可以减慢。 唱歌使人体三种肌肉得到锻炼(头面部和呼吸系统的横纹肌,以及心肌和内脏平滑肌),还有降低血压和血糖、增强免疫力等作用。人声能使自身细胞产生有益的共振作用(合唱时的和声作用更特别)。 60公斤体重的人唱歌2小时可消耗240千卡(与气息深浅相关)。 指挥者2小时消耗300千卡。 这样的每周两次的唱歌,可消耗了600千卡热量。当然算了,一般唱歌要快吸慢呼在慢呼的过程中我们体内的废弃会得到排放 歌唱当然算有氧运动,对健康有益,可以促进深呼吸,从而使肺部得到发展,并清洁了血液。 有氧运动是指人体在氧气充分供应的情况下进行的体育锻炼。即在运动过程中,人体吸入的氧气与需求相等,达到生理上的平衡状态。简单来说,有氧运动是指任何富韵律性的运动,其运动时间较长(约15分钟或以上),运动强度在中等或中上的程度(最大心率之60%至80%)。有氧运动是一种恒常运动,是持续5分钟以上还有余力的运动。算,而且可以练气.其实唱歌很费体力的,本人就是一名艺术系的学生.每天练歌,很累的. 回答你的补充问题:如果你要是练唱歌的话,就会把空气吸入你的肚子里,(丹田)而不是肺力,发音的话不是用嗓子发音,而是从丹田里往外释放你前面吸入的空气.这样你唱歌就不会很费嗓子了,而且是上半身都在用力,这样就起到了你所说的有氧运动,如果你是干嚎的话,那就另当别论.而且如果你要唱高音的话,别把头仰那么高,这样只会让你的声带拉长,变细.声音就会特别的尖而且不好听.正确的唱高音是尽量放低头,平视最好,这样能保护到你的声带,声线也会变的比较宽,.锻炼效果不大能练一下肺活量吧
(有氧运动是健身和减肥的主要运动方法,它要求人们每次锻炼的时间维持在 45~60 分钟,运动时心率应达到 120~140 次/分,每周坚持 3~5 次为宜。)
(无氧运动,是当氧供应不足时糖的无氧酵解,结果形成乳酸。乳酸系统可供能 10~180 秒。比如 100m 或 200m 赛跑)
Bicycle majority time attributes movement having oxygen, besides sprint, climb slope, heartbeat of these two circumstances can reach the person's limiting value, belong to the interval that does not have oxygen. Want to use efficiency reducing weight nevertheless lower, my new year's day rides a 100km, taking the heartbeat area of Garmin, stopwatch is measured come out probably 1700 calorie, time, I run half horse 1 hour 50, use up 1400, one times more floriferous time, used up 300 calorie more merely. The reason depends on, when cycling, besides climb slope, you do not need most time to weigh charge for the making of sth. to his body, and ran, each pace wants to do work to his weight. Of course, if 100km can ride inside two hours, so efficiency is taller than ran, but the road that I do not think spare level is not having traffic control besides next rate that can drive a 50km, if so say, 21k of professional marathon player also comes forward with respect to a hour actually.
Go quickly calculate motion having oxygen.
Motion having oxygen shows human body is in the process that has athletic taking exercise namely, needs energy basically originates the oxidation reaction of soma interior, have duration commonly long, intermediate bos is broken, rhythm sex and intensity compare low feature relatively. Take the feature that accords with motion having oxygen quickly, attribute movement having oxygen.
Besides go quickly besides, canter, by bicycle and swim wait to attribute movement having oxygen.
Crying is not motion having oxygen. 1. Although can promote the metabolism of the body,cry, but the basic requirement that can not satisfy motion having oxygen, move for long like what last etc. 2. What motion having oxygen needs to undertake above ten minutes several normally is medium the motion having oxygen of high strenth, and crying time and intensity can't reach this kind of level. 3. Accordingly, cry to suit to regard as more a kind of affection is released or the method of mood drain, but cannot in order to regard as what oxygen moves replace kind.
Skip is motion having oxygen, but jump only a few a few minutes or not of the rule jumping is not. Because have oxygen,motion is to show inspiratory aerobic quantity and the aerobic amount that spend are equal, maintain a kind of balance, last 15 minutes above, and want divide evenly fast ground jumps to just can achieve exercise having oxygen. Skip is a very good exercise having oxygen, old little all appropriate, do not accept the restriction of time and field. What should notice is anteprandial cannot jump inside a hour, a hour of ability after the meal can jump, otherwise not only cannot exercise the body, still can be opposite healthy cause a harm.
Sing 4~6 can decelerate ventilatory frequency when belonging to carry having oxygen to move people to sing second / cent. Be in chorally in breathing an exercise circularly, ventilatory frequency still can be decelerated. Sing make 3 kinds of muscle get human body take exercise (the striated muscle of woman's head-ornaments ministry and respiratory system, and cardiac muscle and splanchnic and flowing flesh) , still have reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, enhance the action such as immune force. The resonance action that person sound energy makes oneself cell generation beneficial (chorally the harmonic effect when is more special) . The person of 60 kilograms of weight sings 2 hours to be able to use up 240 kilocalorie (related to breath depth) . Directorial 2 hours use up 300 kilocalorie. Such every week two sing, can use up 600 kilocalorie quantity of heat. Calculated of course, sing commonly should suck quickly breathe out slow to get in the inside our body deserted meeting in the process that breathes out slow oxygen moves discharging singing calculating of course having, beneficial to health, can promote deep breathing, make lung gets developing thereby, clean blood. Motion having oxygen is the physical training that undertakes below the circumstance that shows human body is supplied adequately in oxygen. It is namely in athletic process, the oxygen with inspiratory human body and demand are equal, achieve the balance status on physiology. Simple for, motion having oxygen is the motion that points to any rich metrical sexes, its campaign time is longer (make an appointment with 15 minutes or above) , athletic intensity is in medium or medium the degree that go up (of the biggest heartbeat 60% to 80%) . Motion having oxygen is a kind of constant often moves, it is to last 5 minutes the campaign that above still has strength to spare. Calculate, and can drill gas. Sing actually very expend physical strength, oneself are the student of an artistic department. Everyday Lian Ge, very tired. Answer your additional problem: ? ? of act of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of irritated of pry of of Quan quarrel is met an air is inspiratory in your abdomen, (The pubic region) is not lobar force, pronouncing word is not to use voice to articulate, release you outside from the pubic region however in front inspiratory air. Such you sing won't very expend voice, and it is the upper part of the body is in forcibly, removed what what you say to have oxygen campaign so, if you are dry wail, that should be not talked additionally. And if you want to sing high word, do not admire the head so tall, the sound track that can allow you only so spins, attenuate. Sound is met special pointed and not Orphean. Sing correctly high it is to lower a head as far as possible, smooth inspect best, can protect your vocal cords so, the comparison that sound ray also can change is wide, . Exercise the effect to be able to drill not quite vital capacity
It is motion having oxygen. Because long-distance running is to point to a kind of low intensity, long campaign having oxygen, the body when motion needs to use up oxygen to produce energy, exercise heart lungs function effectively so, enhance heart lungs staying power, help body runs better. In addition, long-distance running still conduces to form of the model that reduce fat, improve healthy condition, it is a good exercise reducing weight to a lot of people. Additional, besides long-distance running, by bike, go quickly, swim wait for motion having oxygen to be able to let people obtain exercise the effect similarly. No matter choose which kinds of motion having oxygen, should hold to moderately only, the attention is safe, can bring a lot of profit to the body.
Lifting dumbbell since to have oxygen also is not to have oxygen.
Lifting dumbbell is to oxygen still depends on without oxygen the bear quantity of the athletic condition of oneself and dumbbell, small dumbbell is done hold can calculate motion having oxygen, using big dumbbell to do a turn to lift is the motion that do not have oxygen. Generally speaking, of high strenth fight resistance movement, attribute the position that do not have oxygen. Weight lifting dumbbell is force model fight resistance movement, its start course is high strenth, more acuteness, the movement has moment of the motion that do not have oxygen the feature with fast, powerful force. And motion having oxygen is the status with behavioral inferior bear, weight lifting dumbbell takes exercise, its process can fall in anoxic condition, rely on glycogen only namely phosphoric acid is offerred formerly with candy ferment solution can, lift dumbbell to was not done a few times, muscle is about ache, tired, need rests restore to be able to be done again, the movement has the motion that do not have oxygen not to have the feature with oxygen metabolization, durative short time.
Motion having oxygen is the athletic way that shows the place in basically providing campaign in order to have oxygen metabolization requires energy. Basically include to be like: Swim, canter, wait by bicycle.
Motion having oxygen takes exercise through having campaign of the rule having oxygen, function of human body heart is stronger, pulse sendout is more, offer oxygen capability stronger, pulse number can decrease appropriately. The person with nice function of lungs of a heart can join longer campaign having oxygen, and motion restores faster also.
Gem gal attributes movement having oxygen.
Gem gal is one of motion with best breath having oxygen. Its static heart wirh fixed attention can let cerebrum loosen, especially spring, it is the season of appropriate practice Lian Yuga. Spring discharges poisonous invigorate the circulation of blood through learning gem gal to be able to help the body, release a winter to build up the energy in body and mind. Have oxygen gem gal thin to reducing weight body also is very effective, want unremitting to be able to be achieved only reduce weight the purpose of thin body.
Ran cent is two kinds: Canter and tantivy
Canter attribute movement having oxygen
(motion having oxygen is fitness and the main movement method that reduce weight, the time that it asks people takes exercise every time is maintained in 45~60 minute, the heartbeat when motion should achieve 120~140 second / cent, hold to 3~5 every week second advisable. )
Tantivy attributes the movement that do not have oxygen
(move without oxygen, it is when oxygen the ferment do not have oxygen of the candy when in short supply is solved, the result forms lactic acid. Lactic acid system can be offerred can 10~180 second. For instance 100m or 200m race)