宠物 捕抓地点 捕抓时间
1 小马驹 维苏威火山所有场景 14-18点、19-22点
2 毛懒懒 幽暗空间所有场景 14-16点、18-20点
3 鬼眼狂虫 威廉古堡所有场景 14-18点、17-22点
4 乖乖狼 冷月岭、冷月仓库 14-21点
5 邪恶纺锤 睡美人之书 14-16点、18-20点
6 粉粉星 雷霆禁地 周六、日14:30-22:00
7 幼齿螳螂 时之秘道 14-16点、18-20点
8 煤球憨憨 拉布朗水晶矿场 14-16点
9 小石头 巨石阵 14-17点
10 小曼陀罗猪 禁忌的书房 18-21点
11 红桃小丁 海螺洞穴 14-16点、18-20点
12 小田田 海螺沙滩 14-17点
13 电狐 雷霆峡谷所有场景 14-17点
14 小倒栽葱 倒影迷城 14点-17点
15 魔法水壶怪 魔法密林 14-17点、17-21点
16 不倒叮当 安妮的幻境 14-17点、17-21点
17 布鲁斯 白落落村 14-18点
18 雪豆丁 白落落村 14-18点
19 木豆丁 普拉塔草原、索米亚草原、魔法密林 14-21点
20 火花 维苏威火山口、轻风山(弹弹机有一定几率获得) 全天
21 喵喵 宠物园、轻风山(弹弹机有一定几率获得) 全天
22 水蓝蓝 杰诺斯浅海、轻风山(弹弹机有一定几率获得) 全天
23 拉特 通过邀请5个好友玩洛克可以获得 全天
24 格斗小五 迷之岛积分兑换(弹弹机有一定几率获得) 全天
25 小翼龙 弹弹机有一定几率获得 全天
26 红萝卜兔 弹弹机有一定几率获得 全天
27 白萝卜兔 弹弹机有一定几率获得 全天
28 小草虫 弹弹机有一定几率获得 全天
29 小灵灯笼 玄玉岛、月光桃源刷场景宠物 全天
30 跳跳企鹅 月光桃源的大酒缸有几率出现 全天
31 海闪星 宠物农庄孵化波塞冬之蛋或碧水玲珑蛋 全天
32 艾莉儿 宠物农庄孵化波塞冬之蛋或碧水玲珑蛋 全天
33 小海豹 宠物农庄孵化波塞冬之蛋或碧水玲珑蛋 全天
34 青铜审判者 宠物梦工厂玩宠物组装游戏 全天
35 电力宝宝 宠物梦工厂玩宠物组装游戏 全天
36 铁皮羊 宠物梦工厂玩宠物组装游戏(VIP) 全天
37 机械方方 宠物梦工厂玩宠物组装游戏、天空游乐场可捕抓(VIP) 全天
38 灵石猴 灵猴石在玄玉丹炉中修炼7天7夜 全天
39 火云神 灵石猴 徽章 丹药修炼而成 全天
40 大力神 灵石猴 徽章 丹药修炼而成 全天
41 果冻 人鱼湾、杰诺斯浅海、杰诺斯深海、亚特兰蒂斯刷野生宠物 全天
42 鬼火骷髅 暗黑基地所有场景 全天
43 火刺眼蜥蜴 轻风山 全天
44 小狮鹫 时空幻境(VIP) 全天
45 多西 时空幻境(VIP) 全天
46 幻象勇士 时空幻境(VIP) 全天
47 封印守卫 龙脉之炎(VIP) 全天
48 棒棒柴 月光桃源(VIP) 全天
49 米亚 亚特兰斯宫殿二楼(VIP) 全天
50 深蓝 亚特兰斯宫殿(VIP) 全天
51 呱呱 玄玉岛 全天
52 少林呱呱 云海古道呱呱修行 全天
53 富贵呱呱 九龙长廊呱呱修行 全天
54 逍遥呱呱 玄玉岛呱呱修行 全天
55 自由黄灵 漂浮宫殿 14-16点、18-21
Pet catchs the dot that seize the ground pay time
Dot of 14-18 of volcanic and all setting, 19-22 nods Wei Suwei of 1 small colt
2 wool are lazy dot of all setting 14-16, 18-20 nods lazy dim space
Dot of all setting 14-18, 17-22 nods Gu Bao of Williams of mad bug of 3 ghost eye
14-21 of storehouse of Leng Yueling of 4 darling wolves, cold month is nodded
The book 14-16 dot of Sleeping Beauty of 5 evil spindle, 18-20 is nodded
Forbidden area of thunderbolt of star of 6 pink pink Saturday, day 14: 30-22:00
The dot of secret path 14-16 when mantis of 7 young tine, 18-20 is nodded
Foolish of 8 briquets foolish pulls Braun dot of 14-16 of crystal mine field
Megalith of 9 gravelstone head blast 14-17 dot
The study 18-21 with no-no pig nods 10 small mandala
Dot of 14-16 of burrow of small fourth conch, 18-20 nods 11 hearts
14-17 of beach of conch of cropland of 12 small cropland is nodded
All setting 14-17 nods gorge of thunderbolt of 13 report fox
14 little fall head over heals inverted image confuse a city at 14 o'clock - at 17 o'clock
Strange blackart of 15 blackart jug is close forest 14-17 dot, 17-21 dot
Dot, 17-21 nods the 16 dreamland 14-17 that do not pour dingdong Annie
17 Bruce fall in vain fall village 14-18 dot
Man of 18 snow peas falls in vain fall village 14-18 dot
Fourth general of 19 wood beans pulls tower prairie, Suomiya prairie, blackart is close forest 14-21 dot
Hill of crater of 20 scintilla Wei Suwei, light breeze (play play machine certain odds is obtained) round-the-clock
Hill of garden of pet of 21 mew mew, light breeze (play play machine certain odds is obtained) round-the-clock
22 water are blue blue Jienuosi hill of shallow sea, light breeze (play play machine certain odds is obtained) round-the-clock
23 Latetong invites 5 good friends to play Lock to be able to be obtained too round-the-clock
24 fistfight are small 5 confused island integral are changed (play play machine certain odds is obtained) round-the-clock
25 alula dragon is played play machine certain odds is obtained round-the-clock
Hare of 26 red turnips is played play machine certain odds is obtained round-the-clock
Hare of 27 white turnips is played play machine certain odds is obtained round-the-clock
28 small grass-and-insect painting are played play machine certain odds is obtained round-the-clock
Source of peach of island of black jade of 29 small clever lanterns, moon brushs setting pet round-the-clock
30 jump jump the old wine crock of source of penguin moon peach has odds to appear round-the-clock
The egg that 31 seas show winter of a place of strategic importance of wave of hatch of astral pet grange or egg of exquisite of green jade water are round-the-clock
32 moxa Li the egg of winter of a place of strategic importance of wave of pet grange hatch or egg of exquisite of green jade water are round-the-clock
The egg of winter of a place of strategic importance of wave of hatch of grange of pet of 33 small seal or egg of exquisite of green jade water are round-the-clock
Works of dream of pet of the person that 34 bronze try appreciates pet to assemble game round-the-clock
Works of dream of pet of darling of 35 electric power appreciates pet to assemble game round-the-clock
Works of dream of pet of sheep of 36 iron sheet appreciates pet to assemble game (VIP) round-the-clock
Works of dream of 37 mechanical square square pet appreciates pet to assemble pleasure ground of game, sky to be able to be caught catch (VIP) round-the-clock
Stone of clever monkey of monkey of 38 clever stone is in furnace of black jade red Xiu Lian 7 days of 7 night are round-the-clock
Medicine of red of badge of monkey of stone of deities of 39 fire cloud repairs refine and help sb to fulfill his wishes day
40 medicine of red of badge of deities stone monkey repairs refine and help sb to fulfill his wishes energetically day
Bay of 41 jelly merman, Jienuosi deep-sea, Yatelandisi brushs shallow sea, Jienuosi feral pet is round-the-clock
42 jack-o'-lantern skeleton is dark black base is all setting is round-the-clock
Hill of light breeze of lizard of 43 fire dazzling is round-the-clock
Vulture of 44 small lion is spatio-temporal dreamland (VIP) round-the-clock
45 much on the west spatio-temporal dreamland (VIP) round-the-clock
46 idolum Trojan is spatio-temporal dreamland (VIP) round-the-clock
Long Maizhi of 47 seal beefeater is phlogistic (VIP) round-the-clock
Source of peach of moon of 48 marvellous marvellous bavin (VIP) round-the-clock
49 meters of Yayatelansi palace 2 buildings (VIP) round-the-clock
50 deep blue Yatelansi palace (VIP) round-the-clock
Island of 51 quack black jade is round-the-clock
52 little forest cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine of quack of ancient course of quack sea of clouds is round-the-clock
53 riches and honour quack 9 dragon a covered corridor or walk quacks cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine is round-the-clock
Cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine of quack of island of black jade of 54 free quack is round-the-clock
55 freedom yellow spirit floats palace 14-16 dot, 18-21