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Imitate nature game is brand-new game of imitate of nurturance of subject matter mobile phone, the players after entering game world will undertake all sorts of building play a way with imitate gout in endless world. Game picture wind is quite delicate be able to bear or endure look, play a law brand-newly to experience the deep view that is attracting players, if like this made word that fast fast download tries play. Edition of mobile phone of nature of game introduction imitate is one is able to bear or endure play the simulation with extremely tall sex kind game. In game, you can develop your infinite imagination, with oneself creativity, make the macrocosm that makes you amazed. Game characteristic 1, the optional part that creates you to like, go be being made freely from a variety of means such as face, cap, shirt; 2, in this world you can be contacted with other players, rich profession chooses, should star or become cycle racing hand, a variety of playing your experience such as the law; 3, of interest sex live mode you will experience, an everlasting adventurous world, trouble-free communication system is more attractive; 4, here you can encounter various disaster, perfect escape they, what you can live is a bit longer. Game plays game of law imitate nature is a gout lives imitate kind mobile phone game, in game the player can be created at will any article, everything here will be created by yourself, here you can become super hero
Enter setting interface above all, find in list next " phone " one column keeps abreast of. " imitate incoming telegram " the bottom that is located in a phone to set list, can set a tag for imitate incoming telegram subsequently, communicate content, and incoming telegram time, in be installed from speech of definition incoming telegram, can select audio kind, language sort, sexual distinction, and the content that wants a dialog.
Still can realize 2 seconds halt simply, let imitate incoming telegram appear more distinct. It is OK to be returned additionally to oneself the imitate incoming telegram of set undertakes trying audition, dissatisfactory be revised then again even if. After all settings are good, the time that clicks set is OK. The system can play imitate incoming message for us according to designation time, unfixed your trouble. The individual installs the imitate incoming telegram of 5 seconds, can be in next advocate the incoming message displays on screen.
Code of test and verify of 1. short message stays, code of test and verify stays is the closest window absolutely, after getting the short message that contains code of test and verify, after code of test and verify is extracted automatically by the system, will be stationed in in announcement column take 20 seconds, with convenient input, be known according to me, at present system of other mobile phone still does not have this function temporarily. The function is not big, very close.
2. locks up screen interface to define quick function oneself, this function had been been used to to me, changed a mobile phone to often still operate a fault now. In the lower part of the interface that lock up screen of SOS, besides common phone, short message, outside the function that take a picture, grow to be able to define other quick functions oneself by icon, for example recorder, mail, sign etc, the author small letter sweep a function to be put in this above, because to the author, going out now is to use small letter to pay, below the case that need not dismiss a lock, need to delimit gently only, one pace can open scanning interface, sincerity is very convenient, quick.
3. advocate the interface is concealed, this function is very practical also, to the author this kind of mobile phone made up for the person of about a hundred software, the possibility that often uses at ordinary times is among them hundred 40, other the frequency that the hundred application of 60 may use is not very much, cannot uninstall again, because was done not have until use, can unite these application so put face plate of a certain desk piece, next this board piece conceal, such desktops won't appear use frequency is not very tall application, clean and neat. When hearing certain and married man goes to work, open conceal board piece, before next coming home, conceal, specific it is what, you are known.
Open the User\Wii\Title\00010000 below simulator catalog to have the folder of different encode. The number of folder is the number of game. File namely inside