一.身体形态 身高体重为必测项目,约占总成绩的百分之十,用体重指数来衡量(BMI).BMI=体重(千克)/身高的平方。女生在17.2~23.9则为100分,男生17.9~23.9则为满分。
二.身体机能 肺活量,占总成绩的百分之二十。女生2000毫升及格,3400满分。男生则3100分及格,5040满分。此为必测项。
三.耐力项目 男生一千米跑,女生八百米跑,占总成绩的百分之三十。女生八百米用时四分三四秒及格,三分一八秒满分,男生一千米四分三二秒及格,三分一七秒满分。此项测试是长跑,属于耐力,注意跑完后不要立即停止或者坐下,应该到处慢慢走走,是身体逐渐恢复下来。
四.柔韧、力量项目 占总成绩的百分之二十。坐位体前屈,掷实心球,仰卧起坐(女),引体向上(男),握力体重指数等 选测其中一项。如男生引体向上,女生一分钟仰卧起坐,占总成绩的百分之十。女生仰卧起坐一分钟26个及格,56个满分。男生引体向上10个及格,19个满分。
五.速度、灵巧项目 占总成绩的百分之二十。 50米跑,立定跳远,跳绳,篮球运球,足球运球,排球垫球等。如立定跳远女生151厘米及格,207满分。男生,208及格,273满分。也是每人跳两次取最好的成绩。注意跳时不要踩线,动作规范,用力准确可以跳得更远。
河南中公教育为您解答: 言语理解表达:35道题,站总体量约为29%;每道题大体分值在0.6分和0.7分徘徊,总分在25分左右,占总分的25%;其耗费时间35分钟.[难度系数不...
二、亚当测试(Adam test)
。。只要你自己心理没问题,那就认真答题就行了,或者每次都选你认为最健康的那一个。最好不要乱答,他的题目是前后呼应的,乱答的话,会很明显,如果网上答题的话,会通不过,问卷的话,无所谓One. Weight of body configuration height surveys a project to need, 10% what take assembly performance about, will measure with weight index (BMI).BMI= weight (kilogram) / the square of height. The schoolgirl is 100 minutes in 17.2~23.9, schoolboy 17.9~23.9 is full marks.
2. Body function vital capacity, 20% what take assembly performance. Schoolgirl 2000 milliliter are passing, 3400 full marks. The schoolboy passes a test,examination,etc. 3100 minutes, 5040 full marks. This is measured to need.
3. Endurance project schoolboy runs 1000 meters, the schoolgirl runs 800 meters, 30% what take assembly performance. The four seconds when the schoolgirl is used 800 meters are passing, three seconds full marks, schoolboy 1000 meters of four seconds are passing, three seconds full marks. This test is long-distance running, belong to endurance, after the attention runs, do not stop instantly or sit down, should go slowly everywhere, it is the body restores to come down gradually.
4. 20% what project of withy, power takes assembly performance. Seat body proneness, cast sincere ball, sit-ups (female) , pull-up (male) , grip weight index anthology measure among them. Be like schoolboy pull-up, schoolgirl a minute of situp, 10% what take assembly performance. Schoolgirl situp a minute 26 pass mark, 56 full marks. Schoolboy pull-up passes a test,examination,etc. 10 times, 19 full marks.
5. 20% what speed, address project takes assembly performance. 50 meters run, standing long jump, skip, basketball dribble, football dribble, volleyball fills up a ball to wait. If schoolgirl of standing long jump passes a test,examination,etc. 151 centimeters, 207 full marks. Schoolboy, 208 pass mark, 273 full marks. Also be to jump twice to take best achievement each. Notice to step on the line does not want when jumping, behavioral standard, it is accurate and OK to exert oneself to do sth. jump further.
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Which is what should see you take an examination of then a kind, it is A kind, b kind, still be C kind, see you take an examination of be a country even, provincial still, the quantitative impact e.g. Jiangsu and the cent cost that judge inference are very high, basically take an examination of you to think of thinking of peace keeping diverge logically, need often practices this. These two problems occupied administrative ability to check a half to return much problem, can show its value.
Public education solves for you in Henan: Utterance understands expression: 35 problems, station total volume is 29%; to inscribe cardinal principle every to divide a value to mix 0.7 minutes to wander in 0.6 minutes about, always divide in 25 minutes or so, occupy the 25%; that always divides its expend time 35 minutes. [Difficulty coefficient not. . .
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One, observation shoulder and basin bone
Look for a mirror, standing is to have tall know how things stand and feel confident of handling them by the shoulder that sees his, or the pelvis tilts. Advertent at ordinary times observation can.
Shoulder and basin bone
2, Adam checks (Adam Test)
This is to be measured oneself whether the way with rachis side the best, simplest turn. When be free at ordinary times, check in the home can.
Adam checks
Foot and shoulder are the same as wide stand, both hands put the palms together is bent ahead, is protuberant, taller raised the protruding side that bends for side namely.
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