1. 视觉训练:给宝宝看一些颜色鲜艳、形状简单的图形、玩具等,引导宝宝观察、分辨、记忆。
2. 听觉训练:播放一些简单的儿歌、童谣、故事等,让宝宝听到不同的声音,刺激宝宝的听觉发育。
3. 运动训练:通过拍手、踢腿、爬行等活动,帮助宝宝锻炼肢体协调性和运动能力。
4. 语言训练:与宝宝进行简单的对话,模仿宝宝的语言表达,帮助宝宝认识一些简单的词汇,培养宝宝的语言能力。
5. 社交训练:让宝宝与其他小朋友接触,培养宝宝的社交能力和人际交往能力。
Tips: 阅读习惯从小培养,这个阶段是个关键期。一开始宝宝的注意力可能集中不了多久,看似不感兴趣的样子,但是只要坚持每天给宝宝讲十五分钟左右,渐渐地养成习惯,TA会喜欢上亲子阅读的。
One, teach child learning simple pronunciation, listen to the ancient poetry with a few simple perhaps children's song more.
2, teach the child to meet figure, the thing beside begins introductory study.
3, teach child identifying color, can buy a few realia that teach early to assist study, OK also beside the thing begins proceed with.
4, teach child learning to know a number, include to articulate and identify.
5, the reaction ability that exercises the child, the thing with dynamic perhaps vocally.
6, the limbs that exercises the child coordinates ability, often do gymnastics of a few children.
1, just a little 3, mount hill, 456, turn a somersault, 789, bat rubber ball, pull out gives two hands, 10 finger.
2, small spider, pull silver-colored silk, will answer a net to knit back and forth. What to knit a net to work? Have fly and mosquito only.
" village chants a bosom "
(The Song Dynasty) Shao Yong
Go to 23 lis, smoke village 45.
Booth stage 67, 889 branches 100 flowers.
One hope to have 23 lis probably far, have 45 families that are risking smoke from kitchen chimneys. There are 67 summer houses by the village (swim for people admire, rest the building) of degree of breath, still a lot of flowers are blossomming.
1, of darling grow, cannot leave the company of each phase and education. Teach a course early, the future that is darling lays next solid foundations!
2, every darling is distinctive, inchoate education helps the potential that discovers darling, let darling grow more wonderful! Will watch baby together teaching a class early medium happy days!
3, the wisdom that uses love illumes the child's future, harvest happiness in the world that teachs early together!
Hello, of half years old of darling teach content early to be able to include the following fields:
1.The vision trains: See a few color to darling the logo with bright-coloured, simple appearance, toy, guide darling observation, resolution, memory.
2.Hearing trains: Broadcast a few simple children's song, Tong Yao, story to wait, let darling hear different voice, spur the aural growth of darling.
3.Motion trains: Through clap, kick the activity such as leg, crawl, help darling exercises limbs to coordinate gender and athletic ability.
4.The language trains: Have simple conversation with darling, imitate the language expression of darling, help darling knows a few simple vocabularies, foster the gift of tongues of darling.
5.Socialization trains: Let darling and contact of other little girl, develop the gregarious ability of darling and human association ability.
Above is a few example that half years old of darling teachs content early, specific content can be mixed according to the interest of darling development state of affairs undertakes be adjustmented appropriately.
Half years old of darling can undertake teaching early from the following respect --
1, on big movement, can let them rely on to sit or sit alone, often let darling practice both hands pulling you everyday.
2, on delicate act, let his capture a few dot, exercise the grab ability of finger.
3, on the language, follow darling communication more, although he still won't talk, but darling is very clever, he can be understood, also meet Yi prattles ah respond to you.
Single close mother wants give the impression of weakness, want to tell a son you are the man in the home, you want your him thing to do, take care of good mom even.
Mom should let go invite a son, do the business of own in one's power, mom should do good custody, for example says to work in the kitchen, want to remind a son at any time: Use electric equipment, the safe note of use liquid gas. How much should put to wash clothes when washing the dress fluid.
Herring fish darling is very pretty good, do teach early early very professional, suit Chinese child.
Of unlike other teach an orgnaization early, collect fees not only tall, and teach also in unlike fokelore so good.
What herring fish darling teachs is pretty good, and charge also is not very expensive, suit middle-level class. Will tell in home still is very pretty good.
Of the infant teach early from be born to should begin. Infant period is the child all sorts of the fastest, potential develop neurological development relatively crucial period, because this teachs early more,had jumped over to the child. If the condition is permitted, the parent can choose normal teach an orgnaization early to have a system to the child comprehensive teach early. Normally, teaching central reception early limits is the darling that 6 months reach 3 years old, general near one year old or so going is best phase.
0~1 year old darling
Pick book point: This age paragraph darling reads a book basically is to develop eyesight and touch, inspire curiosity, experience close child reading atmosphere. The content of the book wants simple, clarity, have colourful picture, graph big character is little; Have the books that changes plant or baby smiling face more accept darling favour. Can buy to darling a few rip not sodden cloth book or kilocalorie, firm and clean easily.
Tips: Content of this period reading is not serious, what did the vision that important is darling see, what did touch feel, and what parental sound and you spend in all together is close child read time. Such meetings let darling be experienced as a child reading is a how interesting thing.
1-2 year old darling
Pick book point: This phase darling the thing of what wants to start work, comfortable syncretic some let darling start work, the book that can inspire darling to explore, for example hole hole book, feeling book. Still a few have the simple clue, book that conduces to habitual nurturance.
Tips: Read a habit to be fostered as a child, this phase is a key period. At the beginning the attention of darling may be not centered how long, see the look that is like disinclination, but should insist to be told to darling everyday 15 minutes or so only, form a habit gradually, TA can like to go up close child reading.
2-3 year old darling
Pick book point: As the growth of child acknowledge force, they are interested in the thing all round more and more, can ask a lot of why. At this moment, help child chooses the book of respect of a few popular science to be explored in order to let themselves; Draw this respect, can choose the book that a few have story plot, feel feeling with darling together, the heart is the same as manage that develops darling and affection business.
Tips: Tell draw to darling this when, do not use one's voice in speech goes telling, be told as far as possible with normal language, when some vocabularies may be told, darling has only vague idea, but pass a few days, you can discover she can use those words to send her to organize a language unexpectedly, very magical?
3-6 year old darling
Pick book point: The child of 3 years old of above, begin to go up nursery school, savvy is much stronger, curiosity is much stronger also. Kiss in this moment home child read besides softhearted draw this read, OK still apt enlarges darling knowledge face and answer doubt dispels doubts respect, because she can see very great thing in nursery school, have a lot of problems.
Teach the language that can provide major early stimulation and teaching method, help child grows the gift of tongues. Teach course early to include a variety of activities such as game, music, brushwork normally, can arouse the child's interest and attention, stimulative language develops. In addition, teach early still can offer the opportunity that interacts with other child, develop gregarious ability. However, teaching early is not only solution, the parent also should take an active part in language development of the child, provide rich language environment and close child interactive.