Do not know countrywide each province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government to ask one different.
Shaanxi province rises from 2021, new in principle of recruited teacher of mental health full-time should hold card of qualification of teacher of intentional manage health, among them teacher of full-time of middle school mental health must have psychological relevant and professional undergraduate course and above record of formal schooling.
All middle and primary school are visited completely since 2021 (contain education to nod) should provide a full-time or teacher of pluralistic mental health; To 2023, save all student dimensions completely the proportion that the school of middle and primary school of 1000 people above provides full-time teacher is achieved 50% ; To 2025, save all student dimensions completely the school of middle and primary school of 1000 people above all provides teacher of mental health of a full-time (independent campus achieves this dimensions to need to be deployed additionally.
Education of mental health of pass an entrance examination of teacher of middle and primary school is very important. One knows the schoolteacher that mental health teachs, can get used to the educational activity of new period student most. Education of mental health of all through the ages is producing main effect. Unripe pressure of present middle and primary school is greater, of children fight setback ability flimsier, mental health is begun in middle and primary school education is imperative!
Belong to education and sports class to teach kind of course.
Mental health education basically studies psychology is basic academic knowledge, have mental health to teach education and research capability, psychology to seek advice to teach teacher and student with what coach ability and stronger human communication capability. Can fulfil requirement according to disparate industry, crowd and society, apply professional knowledge skill effectively to forecast with control psychology phenomenon.
The mental health that wants to do good student teachs the job, need to strengthen the mental health education of pedagogic team above all. On May 21, the first elementary school holds area of the lake that watch hill all pedagogic conference, begin special subject to groom in the light of dredge of pedagogic mental health, in the meantime, requirement teacher does normalization of good epidemic situation to prevent during accusing, the student is mixed psychological dredge of the parent works.
The city can be exhibited in area of the lake that watch hill of the first middle school " term begins the first class " on, teacher of psychology of this school full-time is reached from the incommensurate circumstance that after guiding a student to share holiday life, go back to school, appears solve the respect such as countermeasure to enter a problem, the campus after encouraging classmates to get used to comprehensive go back to school as soon as possible lives, happy go to school, joy grows.
Guiyang one in school of new world international is begun " interior Palladium " thematic course, in guiding a student to search a heart " happy " . In addition, this school gives one grade to arrange mental health subject to 6 grade student every week, open " heart language wishs newly to work lane " , install " heart language mailbox " , shu of active help student dismisses a worry.
Elementary school of experiment of foreign language of area of the elementary school of the first experiment, lake that watch hill also takes Guiyang city seriously highly mental health teachs the job, begin from the respect such as health of body and mind, parentage all-around coach, do his utmost to be opposite epidemic situation the influence that student learning, life and mental health bring falls lowest.
Generally speaking pedagogic mental health grooms inside look respect:
Knowledge of 1. professional theory -- through extending data self-study is finished;
2. handles mastery of a skill or technique actually -- through the face schoolteaching Cheng is finished;
3. school jackarooes originally -- student undertakes study carrying out in this school; Can of help control have: 1. Preliminary control the basic theory that contemporary mental health teachs and be engaged in mental health teaching an activity to coach with advisory fundamental skill. 2. Can be competent school mental health teachs the job: Can begin this school mental health effectively to teach an activity, according to concerned theory design mental health teachs plan and go carrying out, can analyse in practice, solve school mental health to teach real problem. 3. The ego of stimulative psychology teacher grows, promotion is engaged in the professional morality level that mental health teachs.
This teaching material is being written on the characteristic of body and mind that considered different age student and read psychology and at present singleton female a few characteristics, can teach curricular teaching material as student mental health already, can regard the outside reading of the 2nd classroom as material again.
Each class still is divided a certain number of column, give priority to with activity and practice, pass a case analysis, specific activity, practice to start work, personal experience and ego adjustment, make middle and primary school gives birth to the psychological quality that forms health, safeguard and promote their mental health.
Basically take an examination of the mentation psychology problem of each level students and the skill of a few methods that how solve a problem.
You Weijian appoint examine and verify. Mental health teachs in the final analysis or wholesome health, it is the medical treatment behavior such as the precaution about psychological disease, conduct propaganda, education and cure, the persons qualified to teach that its teach grooms behoove is Wei Jian appoint director business category, be in charge of the principle that who examines and approve according to who, you Weijian appoint examine and verify.
Mental health card needs to log onto inquiry of net of official of certificate of mental health knowledge.
Mental health of middle and primary school teachs card of class teacher qualification, can prove to hold a witness to have teach the ability of course of elementary school mental health and qualification, the person that the proof holds card has the special skill or knowledge of this respect.
Have mental health of middle and primary school to teach card of class teacher qualification, the pedagogic staff post that can enter oneself for an examination by this card and applies for mental health of middle and primary school, obtain fair education school the pedagogic work out that mental health teachs.
Enter a method / measure:
1. another name for Jiangxi Province teachs cloud App the page, click choice mental health to groom study enters the mouth.
2. studies entrance page, the choice registers new user project.
3. chooses my status according to actual condition, refer another name for Jiangxi Province signing up to teach the cloud mental health groom.