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1. **选择佛像或佛画:** 首先选择一尊或一幅你喜欢的佛像或佛画,这可以是释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、地藏菩萨等等。

2. **供桌设置:** 准备一个供桌或供台,可以放在家中的一个安静、清净的角落。供桌上面可以铺一块干净的布。

3. **供品摆放:** 在供桌上摆放香、花、水果、茶或甘露等供品。香可以代表清香的心念,花象征美好的祝愿,水果代表丰盛和供养,茶或甘露则代表清凉和甘露洒下。

4. **燃香供养:** 在供桌上准备一支香,点燃后放在香炉中,以示虔诚供养。

5. **诵经念佛:** 在供养的同时,你可以诵读经文或念诵佛号,表达敬意和虔诚心。

6. **定期清洁与换新:** 定期清洁供桌和更换供品,保持供养的清洁和整洁。



In Bodhisattva of Buddha of the consecrate in the home, you are OK according to the following means:

1.** chooses figure of Buddha or Buddha picture: ** chooses above all one honour or a figure of Buddha that you like or Buddha picture, this can be Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, ground Tibet Bodhisattva etc.

2.** altar installs: ** prepares an altar or offer a desk, can put in one of the home quiet, kosher corner. A clean cloth can be spread above altar.

3.** offerings puts: ** puts the offerings such as sweet, flower, fruit, tea or manna on altar. Sweet can read aloud on behalf of the heart of faint scent, spend the wish of indicative happiness, fruit delegate is big and make offerings to, tea or manna are represented cool and refreshing asperse with manna below.

4.** lights sweet make offerings to: ** prepares on altar sweet, in after igniting, be being put in censer, make offerings to in order to show piously.

5.Pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: While ** is making offerings to, you are OK chant lection or recite Buddha number, express devoir and pious sincere desire.

6.** fixed cleanness and change new: Altar of ** fixed cleanness and change offerings, maintain the cleanness that make offerings to and neat.

Above is to make offerings to commonly the groovy method of Buddha Bodhisattva, but important is a heart sincere clever, no matter form how, answer to make offerings to with devotional heart.
