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1. **主贡品摆放在中间**:主要的供品,如鲜花、水果或香烛,应该放在供桌的中央位置,表示最高的敬意和尊重。

2. **次贡品摆放在两侧**:次要的供品,如糕点、茶水、水果等,应该分别摆放在主贡品的两侧,形成对称美。

3. **摆放整齐有序**:贡品摆放时要整齐有序,不要乱放或堆积,以示端庄和敬意。

4. **依据个人信仰习惯**:根据个人或家庭的信仰习惯,可以加入特定的供品或仪式,但总体上要保持尊重和敬意。



The articles of tribute of consecrate avalokitesvara is put normally go up in altar, put means to include the following normally:

1.** advocate articles of tribute puts inter ** : Main offerings, be like flower, fruit or joss sticks and candles, should put in the central position of altar, show highest devoir and respect.

2.** second articles of tribute puts in two side ** : Secondary offerings, wait like cake, boiled water, fruit, should put respectively in advocate the two side of articles of tribute, form symmetrical beauty.

3.** puts orderly and orderly ** : When articles of tribute is put, want orderly and orderly, be not put in disorder or pile up, in order to show dignified with devoir.

4.Belief of ** basis individual is used to ** : According to the devotional habit of individual or family, can join specific offerings or ceremony, but should retain esteem and respect on the whole.

As a whole, the articles of tribute that puts avalokitesvara is devoir of a kind of expression and devotional means, should come according to oneself belief and habit reasonable put.
