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1. **放置位置**:貔貅通常放置在家中的财位,如财库、钱柜等位置,以便引财运。另外,也可以放在客厅或办公室等主要活动区域,让其为家中成员带来好运。

2. **朝向**:貔貅的头部通常应该面向房间内,表示将财气吸引到家中;如果放置在门口或窗口,头部则应面向外,意味着将外部的财气引入家中。

3. **供奉品**:在貔貅附近摆放一些财神爷、聚宝盆、金元宝等象征财富的物品,增加财气的聚集力。

4. **清洁维护**:定期清洁貔貅,保持其光亮,以示尊敬和信仰。

5. **虔诚心态**:供奉貔貅时,要保持虔诚的心态,心怀感恩和期待,相信貔貅能够给家庭带来好运。



Aing mythical wild animal is the content of the auspicious sign in Chinese traditional culture, be thought to be able to enrol money to take disaster of drive of treasure, exorcise evil spirits commonly. Consecrate need aing mythical wild animal notices the following:

1.** places positional ** : A mythical wild animal to place the money in the home normally, wait for the position like money library, money-locker, so that make money use. Additional, also can put in the main activity area such as sitting room or office, the member in letting its be the home is brought lucky.

2.** front ** : The head that a mythical wild animal should face a room normally inside, state money gas is drawn in arriving home; If place in doorway or window, the head should be faced outside, mean will external wealth vital energy introduces in the home.

3.** consecrate tastes ** : In a mythical wild animal the around goods that puts treasure of father of a few mammon, cornucopia, gold dollar to wait for indicative fortune, increase what money enrages to collect force.

4.** cleanness safeguards ** : Fixed cleanness as mythical wild animal, retain its brightness, in order to show respect and belief.

5.** of ** devotional state of mind: When consecrate as mythical wild animal, want to maintain devotional state of mind, cherish is thankful and expect, believe to a mythical wild animal can bring to the family lucky.

Above is a few basic consecrate methods only, the belief according to the individual and habit can be adjusted appropriately.
