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1. **选择合适的位置:** 雷坛供奉佛像的地方最好选择在清净、安静的地方,避免受到杂物和杂音的干扰。

2. **准备供奉台或桌子:** 可以选择一个合适的供奉台或桌子来放置佛像。可以在台上放置一块洁净的布或者绒垫,以便佛像稳固放置。

3. **选择佛像:** 选择合适的佛像来供奉。根据个人喜好和信仰,可以选择释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、地藏菩萨等等。

4. **洁净心灵:** 在供奉佛像之前,要先洗净双手,并且心怀敬意和虔诚。

5. **供奉仪式:** 将选定的佛像放置在供奉台上,可以点上香、献上水果、花朵或其他供品,表达虔诚的心意。可以诵经、念佛或默念祈祷。

6. **日常供奉:** 除了正式的供奉仪式外,还可以每天定时向佛像献上香、花、水果等供品,并且诵经念佛,以保持虔诚的心态。

7. **保持清洁:** 定期清洁供奉台和佛像,保持其清洁整洁,以示尊敬。



Figure of Buddha of thunder altar consecrate needs a few basic measure and preparative work. It is general flow below:

1.** chooses proper place: The place of figure of Buddha of consecrate of ** thunder altar had better choose to be in kosher, quiet place, avoid to get sundry the interference with murmur.

2.** prepares consecrate stage or table: ** can choose an appropriate consecrate stage or table to place figure of Buddha. A clean cloth can be placed on the stage or mat of cloth with soft nap, so that figure of Buddha is placed firm.

3.** chooses figure of Buddha: The figure of Buddha with ** right choice comes consecrate. According to individual be fond of and belief, can choose Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, ground to hide Bodhisattva to wait a moment.

4.** clean heart: ** is before consecrate figure of Buddha, want first abluent both hands, and cherish devoir is mixed devotional.

5.** consecrate ceremony: The figure of Buddha make choice of places ** to go up in consecrate stage, can nod on sweet, display on fruit, flower or other offerings, express devotional intention. Can Song classics, pray to Buddha or silent read aloud pray.

6.** daily consecrate: ** besides formal consecrate ceremony, still can time everyday display to figure of Buddha on the offerings such as sweet, flower, fruit, and Song classics pray to Buddha, in order to maintain devotional state of mind.

7.** keeps clean: Stage of consecrate of ** fixed cleanness and figure of Buddha, maintain its clean and neat, in order to show respect.

Above is the basic measure of consecrate figure of Buddha, but particular way is mixed possibly also because of devotional genre the individual is used to and differ somewhat.
