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1. **整齐摆放**:将佛像摆放在一个整齐清洁的地方,避免混乱和杂乱无章的摆放。

2. **高低有序**:如果有多个佛像,可以按照大小或重要性进行排序,让主要的佛像摆放在更显眼的位置。

3. **心诚供养**:供养佛像时,心诚意真是最重要的。在供养时,心怀虔诚,表达你的敬意和感恩之情。

4. **定期清洁**:定期清洁佛像是很重要的,可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,保持佛像的清洁和光亮。

5. **献上鲜花、水果、香炉**:你可以选择在佛像前摆放鲜花、水果或者点燃香炉,作为供养的一种方式。

6. **念诵经文**:在供养佛像的同时,你也可以念诵经文或者诵经,以增加正念和积累功德。

7. **心灵净化**:供养佛像也是一种心灵净化的过程,通过供养佛像,可以提升自己的心灵修养和修行境界。



If the figure of Buddha in your home became much, you can consider the following method to come consecrate:

1.** is orderly put ** : Put figure of Buddha the place in an orderly cleanness, avoid disorder and desultorily put.

2.** on any account is orderly ** : If have many figure of Buddha, can have sort according to size or importance, let main figure of Buddha put in more conspicuous position.

3.** heart sincere make offerings to ** : Make offerings to when figure of Buddha, heart sincerity is the most important really. When make offerings to, purpose is religious, express your devoir and the feeling that be thankful.

4.** of ** fixed cleanness: Fixed and clean figure of Buddha is very important, can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, maintain the clean He Guangliang of figure of Buddha.

5.** displays on ** of flower, fruit, censer: You can choose to put flower, fruit to perhaps ignite censer before figure of Buddha, as a kind of means that make offerings to.

6.** recites lection ** : Making offerings to figure of Buddha while, you also can recite lection or Song classics, reading aloud in order to increase and accumulate merits and virtues.

7.** heart purifies ** : Make offerings to figure of Buddha also is the process that a kind of heart purifies, through making offerings to figure of Buddha, can promote oneself heart accomplishment and state of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.

Hope these methods can help you make offerings to better the figure of Buddha in the home.
