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1. **祭拜和供奉**:在特定的日子或节日,可以准备香烛、鲜花、水果等供品,摆放在神龛或供桌上。然后以虔诚的心态,向狐仙娘娘祈求保佑,祭拜并燃烧香烛。

2. **念经礼佛**:在狐仙娘娘的神龛前念经礼佛,表达敬意和虔诚。

3. **心诚则灵**:供奉的过程中,要保持虔诚的心态,表达对狐仙娘娘的敬意和信仰。

4. **保持清净**:在供奉狐仙娘娘的地方保持清洁,定期清理神龛或供桌,保持神圣的环境。

5. **行善积德**:在日常生活中,行善积德,遵循道德规范,以此来表达对狐仙娘娘的信仰和敬意。



Empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of celestial being of consecrate Taoism fox can pass the following means undertake:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and consecrate ** : In specific date or festival, can plan the offerings such as joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, put go up in shrine or altar. Next with devotional state of mind, to Hu Xian empress or imperial concubine of the first rank petitions bless, hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to and light burn joss sticks to illuminate.

2.** of Buddha of ceremony of ** recite scriptures: In Buddha of ceremony of the recite scriptures before the shrine of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of fox celestial being, expressive devoir and devotional.

3.** heart sincere clever ** : In the process of consecrate, want to maintain devotional state of mind, express the devoir of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of pair of fox celestial being and belief.

4.** maintains kosher ** : Keep clean in the place of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate fox celestial being, clear regularly shrine or altar, maintain divine environment.

5.** of accumulate virtue of ** do good works: In daily life, accumulate virtue of do good works, abide by ethic, will express the belief of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of pair of fox celestial being and respect with this.

These are the familiar pattern of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of celestial being of fox of Taoism of a few consecrate, but particular way may is used to because of district and individual and differ somewhat.
