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1. **高于地面**: 神龛最好放置在稍高于地面的位置,以示尊敬和崇高。

2. **安静处**: 选择一个安静、清净的地方,避免与杂物、垃圾摆放在一起,尽量避免在卫生间、厨房等不洁净的地方。

3. **朝向**: 神龛的朝向通常应该是靠近家庭的主要出入口,表示保护和庇佑,也可以选择家中的主卧室或客厅等人流较多的地方。

4. **避开煞气**: 避免将神龛放置在靠近厕所、楼梯、垃圾箱等容易产生煞气的地方,以免影响到家庭的气场和运势。

5. **整洁美观**: 神龛的周围要保持整洁,不要有杂物堆积,可以用鲜花、香炉、烛台等装饰,使其更加美观。



Shrine of the consecrate in the home is an important tradition consuetudinary, it is proper and OK to place bring to the family lucky and auspicious. Generally speaking, place shrine to want to follow the following principles:

1.** of ground of ** prep above: Shrine had better be placed in a bit the position of prep above ground, be respected in order to show and great.

2.** of ** quiet place: Choose a quiet, kosher place, avoid to be put together with sundry, rubbish, avoid to wait for not clean place in toilet, kitchen as far as possible.

3.** front ** : The front of shrine should be the main passageway that approachs a household normally, express to protect and bless, in also can choosing the home advocate the place with the more stream of people such as bedroom or sitting room.

4.** keeps away from ** of evil spirit gas: Avoid to place shrine the place that standing by toilet, stair, dustbin to wait to produce evil spirit gas easily, lest affect the gas field of excellent front courtyard and carry situation.

5.** is neat and beautiful ** : Of shrine all round should keep neat, do not have sundry accumulation, can wait for adornment with flower, censer, candlestick, make its more beautiful.

According to actual condition of the family and individual be fond of, can adjust shrine appropriately put the position and adornment way, but above principle is basic reference.
