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1. **准备供品**: 选择新鲜、美观的水果和点心作为供品。常见的水果如苹果、橙子、香蕉等,点心可以选择糕点、糖果等。

2. **清洁供桌**: 先将供桌擦拭干净,确保表面没有灰尘或杂物。

3. **摆放水果**: 水果可以摆放在供桌的中央或四周,以象征丰收和富贵。可以将水果摆成整齐的排列或者放在漂亮的碟子中。

4. **摆放点心**: 将点心摆放在水果的旁边或者另外的位置,点心可以代表甜蜜的生活和幸福。

5. **安放香烛**: 在供桌上点燃香烛,表示虔诚的敬意和祈福。

6. **摆放财神像或画像**: 在供桌上放置财神的像或画像,以示尊敬和信仰。

7. **敬香祈祷**: 最后,在摆放完供品后,可以点香敬拜,向财神祈求财运亨通、家庭幸福。



When consecrate mammon, put for wanting a foundation if really the individual is consuetudinary with the tradition, but generally speaking, can put according to the following measure:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Choose fresh, beautiful fruit and mug-up to serve as offerings. Common fruit is like apple, orange, banana to wait, mug-up can choose cake, candy to wait.

2.** of ** clean altar: Wipe altar clean first, ensure the surface does not have dirt or sundry.

3.** puts fruit ** : The fruit can be put be in the center of altar or all around, with indicative bumper harvest and riches and honour. Can place the fruit into orderly permutation to perhaps be put in beautiful small dish.

4.** puts mug-up ** : Put mug-up by fruity or another positions, mug-up can represent happy life and happiness.

5.** puts ** of joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited on altar, show sincere tribute and pray good fortune.

6.** puts money God or picture ** : Resemble in what mammon places on altar or picture, in order to show respect and belief.

7.** of ** Jing Xiangqi pray: Finally, after putting offerings, can nod sweet Jing Bai, to mammon invocatory money carries be prosperous, family is happy.

Above measure offers reference only, can undertake adjustment according to the tradition of individual or family and belief.
