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1. **选择合适的位置:** 首先选择一个清静祥和的地方,最好是在家里的客厅、卧室或书房等位置。确保这个地方能够受到尊重和保护,避免放在不洁净的地方或者易受损的地方。

2. **摆放月老神像:** 将月老神像放在一个高处,比如桌子、柜子或者供桌上,并且朝向东方或者西方。月老神像应该放在一个整洁、干净的地方,并且避免放在低洼处或者靠近厕所的位置。

3. **供奉祭品:** 在月老神像的面前摆放一些供品,比如鲜花、水果、香烛、茶水等。这些供品代表着你的诚意和虔诚,可以表达你对月老的尊敬和祈福。

4. **祈祷和诵经:** 在供奉月老神像的时候,可以合上双手,闭上眼睛,默念或者大声祈祷,表达自己的心愿和祈求。你也可以诵读月老经文或者唱诵相关的赞美歌曲,以增加神明的青睐和加持。

5. **定期祭拜:** 保持定期祭拜月老神像,比如每个月的特定日子或者每个星期的特定时间。这样可以持续地表达你对月老的尊敬和信仰,同时也能够保持与神明的联系和互动。



Consecrate month old God is a kind of expression normally the means to love, marriage and emotive respect and pray blessing. It is the method of a few common consecrate month old God below:

1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses a quiet and auspicious place above all, had better be the position such as the sitting room in the home, bedroom or study. Ensure respect and this place can be protected, avoid to be put in the place that not clean place is damaged easily perhaps.

2.** puts month of old God: ** puts lunar old God in an altitude, for instance table, cabinet or on altar, and face towards Oriental or the west. Lunar old God should be put in a neat, clean place, and avoid put in low-lying place to perhaps stand by the position of the toilet.

3.** consecrate oblation: ** is in of month of old God before put a few offerings, for instance flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, boiled water. The good faith that these offerings are representing you and devotional, can convey your old to the month respect and pray blessing.

4.** prays and Song classics: ** is in consecrate month old God when, can add up to both hands, close an eye, silent reads aloud or pray aloud, the cherished desire that expresses oneself and invocatory. You are OK also chant month old lection perhaps sings the paean song related Song, the favour with increasing deities and add hold.

5.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** maintains fixed hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to month of old God, for instance the specific date of every month or the specific time of every week. Can express your old to the month respect and belief continuously so, also can maintain at the same time the connection with deities and interactive.

Above is a few common methods of consecrate month old God, but particular way can undertake adjust and metabolic according to the individual's belief and habit.
