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1. **灵魂仪式(Wai Khru)**:这是一种供奉逝者灵魂的传统仪式,家人会在家中摆放供品,如水果、蜡烛、花朵和香烛,然后进行祈祷和诵经。

2. **水葬(Phra Maha Phrom)**:一些泰国人信奉佛教,他们选择将逝者的骨灰撒入河流或海洋中,以传送灵魂。

3. **火葬(Prakhruu)**:火葬是泰国常见的葬礼方式之一。逝者的遗体会在火化炉中被火焰烧毁,然后骨灰会被收集起来,进行后续的处理。

4. **供奉祭祀(Sema)**:家人会在逝者的纪念碑或墓地周围摆放鲜花、食物和香烛,表示对逝者的尊敬和怀念。



In Thailand, the means of the person that consecrate dies includes the following kinds normally:

1.** soul ceremony (Wai Khru) ** : This is the traditional ceremony of soul of the person that a kind of consecrate dies, the person meets the home to put offerings in the home, be like fruit, candle, flower and joss sticks and candles, undertake prayer mixing next Song classics.

2.** water burial (Phra Maha Phrom) ** : Believe in of a few Thai is Buddhist, the ashes of the dead of the person that they choose to will die is scattered into river or ocean, with deferent soul.

3.** cremate (Prakhruu) ** : Cremate is one of funerary pattern with familiar Thailand. The remains of the person that die can be in cremation furnace by blaze burn down, next ashes of the dead can be come to by gather up, undertake follow-up processing.

4.** consecrate is sacred (Sema) ** : Family can put flower, food and joss sticks and candles all round the monument in the person that die or graveyard, express the respect of pair of person that die and yearning.

These are the means of the person that the common consecrate in Thailand culture dies, people can be mixed according to his religious belief the way that culture tradition chooses to suit will commemorate the person that die with hold a memorial ceremony for.
