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1. **清洁环境:** 确保供奉画像的周围环境清洁整洁,这可以表达对神灵或被代表者的尊重。

2. **合适的位置:** 将画像放置在合适的位置,例如在屋内的特定区域或祭坛上,根据个人信仰的习俗或建议选择位置。

3. **照明:** 为画像提供适当的照明,可以是蜡烛、灯光或其他照明设备,以突显其重要性和神圣性。

4. **献上祈祷:** 在供奉画像时,可以献上祈祷或心中的祝福,表达虔诚和信仰。

5. **献上供品:** 根据信仰习俗,可以献上供品,如水果、花束、香炉等,作为对神灵或被代表者的奉献和敬意。

6. **定期照顾:** 定期清洁和照顾供奉画像,保持其整洁和神圣性。



The means of consecrate picture is OK because of belief and individual be fond of different. Generally speaking, the need when consecrate picture respects the person of its representing or deities, convey go out to be mixed piously devoir. It is a few common methods below:

1.** clean environment: ** ensures the surroundings cleanness of consecrate picture is neat, this can convey pair of deities or by the esteem of spokesman.

2.The place with proper ** : ** places the draw a portrait in proper place, go up in the location inside house or altar for example, according to individual belief consuetudinary or the proposal chooses the place.

3.** illume: ** offers proper illumination for the picture, can be the candle, lamplight or other lighting equipment, with dash forward show its importance and divine sex.

4.** displays on pray: ** is when consecrate picture, can display on pray or the blessing in the heart, expression is mixed piously devotional.

5.** displays on offerings: ** basis is devotional and consuetudinary, can display on offerings, wait like fruit, bouquet, censer, serve as pair of deities or be mixed by the dedication of spokesman devoir.

6.** takes care of regularly: ** fixed cleanness and take care of consecrate picture, maintain its neat with divine sex.

The most important is, the means of consecrate picture ought to be the individual is reflected devotionally piously, can be experienced according to oneself heart and devotional tradition undertakes adjust and be carryinged out.
