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1. **祭祀仪式:** 在每年的农历十二月二十三日(也就是农历的小年),家庭会进行灶王爷的祭祀仪式。这通常包括在厨房里摆上香烛、水果、糖果、米粒等供品,然后全家人一起向灶王爷行礼祈祷。

2. **上香:** 家庭成员可以在每天早晚或特别的日子里向灶王爷上香,表示尊敬和祈福。

3. **放置神像或画像:** 在厨房中选择一个明显的位置放置灶王爷的神像或画像,以示尊敬和信仰。

4. **念经诵咒:** 有些人会念一些经文或咒语,以祈求灶王爷保佑家庭平安和财富兴旺。

5. **清洁整理:** 经常保持厨房的清洁整洁也被视为对灶王爷的一种供奉,表示对他的尊敬和敬畏。



Kitchen king father is the Dai of a god in belief of Chinese traditional folk, be considered as the dictate of the kitchen normally, be in charge of providing the happiness and benefit of the fortune of palm family and person. The means that consecrate kitchen king as form of a address for an official or rich man has the way of a few traditions:

1.** sacred ceremony: ** is in annual the traditional Chinese calendar on December 23 (namely the off year of the traditional Chinese calendar) , the family can undertake the sacred ceremony of kitchen king father. This includes to place the offerings such as joss sticks and candles, fruit, candied, grain of rice in the kitchen normally, next family person salutes to kitchen king father together pray.

2.On ** sweet: ** family member can be in go up to kitchen king father in morning and evening or extraordinary time everyday sweet, show respect and pray good fortune.

3.** places God or draw a portrait: ** chooses a clear position to place the God that kitchen king as form of a address for an official or rich man or draw a portrait in the kitchen, in order to show respect and belief.

4.Cuss of Song of ** recite scriptures: ** some people can read aloud a few lection or abracadabra, with invocatory kitchen king father blesses a family to be mixed in safety fortune is flourishing.

5.** cleanness arranges: The cleanness that ** often maintains a kitchen is neat a kind of consecrate that also is regarded as pair of kitchen king father, express to be mixed to his respect awe-stricken.

These are the consecrate means of a few traditions only, actually the practice of every family may differ somewhat, depend on the individual's belief and consuetudinary.
