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1. **选择合适的地点**:在家中选择一个干净整洁、气氛祥和的地方供奉财神。最好是离主门进口较近的地方,代表着财运进门。

2. **准备供奉品**:准备一些财神喜欢的供品,比如水果、糖果、鲜花、茶叶等。也可以准备一些象征财富的物品,比如金银器皿、铜钱等。

3. **设立财神位**:在供奉的地方摆放一个财神像或画像,可以是传统的财神像,也可以是其他你认为合适的财神形象。

4. **诚心祈祷**:在供奉财神的时候,心诚则灵。可以向财神表达诚挚的祈愿,希望他能够保佑自己和家人财运亨通,事业顺利。

5. **定期供奉**:不仅要在特定的日子供奉财神,还要定期保持供奉的习惯,比如每个月初一、十五或者每周特定的一天。

6. **保持清洁**:定期清理供奉的地方,保持整洁干净,表达对财神的尊重和敬意。



Consecrate mammon is a kind of old tradition, main purpose is to hope mammon can bring fortune become reconciled to carry. It is a few common methods of consecrate mammon below:

1.** chooses appropriate place ** : The local consecrate mammon with a clean and neat, auspicious atmosphere chooses in the home. Had better be to leave advocate the place with door closer entrance, representing money carry to take the door.

2.** prepares consecrate to taste ** : Plan the offerings that a few mammon like, for instance fruit, candied, flower, tea. Also can prepare the article of a few indicative fortune, for instance bullion household utensils, copper cash.

3.** creates the god of wealth ** : God of a money or picture are put in the place of consecrate, can be traditional money God, also can be other you think proper mammon form.

4.** sincere desire prays ** : In consecrate mammon when, heart sincere clever. Can convey to mammon cordial invocatory, hope he can bless oneself and be prosperous of family wealth carry, the career is successful.

5.** of ** fixed consecrate: Should be in not only specific day consecrate mammon, hold the convention of consecrate regularly even, for instance at the beginning of every month one, 15 a weekly perhaps and specific day.

6.** maintains clean ** : Clear regularly the place of consecrate, keep shipshape, express the esteem to mammon and respect.

Consecrate mammon is a kind of belief and culture tradition, the practice of everybody may differ somewhat, the key is to want to treat this one ceremony piously in earnest, of the calm with achieving the heart and heart invocatory.
