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1. 准备祭品:根据个人的财力和信仰,可以准备一些食品、水果、鲜花、香烛等物品作为祭品。

2. 设立祭坛:在家中选择一个干净整洁的地方,摆放祭品并搭建简单的祭坛,可以使用一些红布或者纸张作为祭坛的基座。

3. 虔诚祭拜:在特定的日子或者时刻,面向祭坛,虔诚地向道士仙家祈祷,表达自己的愿望和敬意。

4. 点燃香烛:在祭拜过程中,点燃香烛,并将其放在祭坛上,以表示虔诚和尊重。

5. 献上祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭坛上,并诚心地献给道士仙家,表达自己的心意和虔诚。

6. 守护祭坛:在供奉期间,要保持祭坛的清洁和整洁,定期更换祭品,并保持心灵的宁静和虔诚。



The means of home of celestial being of consecrate Taoism priest has a lot of kinds, basically depend on the individual's belief and actual condition. Generally speaking, home of celestial being of consecrate Taoism priest can take the following step:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: According to the individual's financial capacity and belief, can prepare the article such as a few food, fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles to serve as oblation.

2.Establish altar: A clean and neat place chooses in the home, put oblation and build simple altar, can use a few red cloth or the base that paper regards altar as.

3.Devotional hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: In specific date or always, face altar, pray to home of Taoism priest celestial being piously, express oneself desire and respect.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: The process is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for in, ignite joss sticks and candles, put its on altar, respect with expressing to be mixed piously.

5.Display on oblation: Put ready oblation go up in altar, sincere ground gives home of Taoism priest celestial being, the intention that expresses oneself and devotional.

6.Guardianship altar: During consecrate, the cleanness that should maintain altar and neat, change regularly oblation, what maintain the spirit is halcyon and devotional.

Above is the basic measure of home of celestial being of consecrate Taoism priest, can undertake be adjusted appropriately and metabolic according to the individual's belief and actual condition.
