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1. 清洁准备:在供奉之前,确保佛像和供桌是干净整洁的。可以使用柔软的布轻轻擦拭佛像和供桌。

2. 放置佛像:将佛像放置在供桌上,通常是正中央位置。确保佛像的朝向是向前的,代表佛法的传承。

3. 点烛供光:在佛像两侧点燃蜡烛或供灯,以示敬意和照亮佛像。这也象征着消除黑暗,带来光明和智慧。

4. 献供物:可以在供桌上摆放水果、鲜花、香炉、饼干等食物和物品作为供养。这表示尊敬和感恩,同时也是奉献自己的一种方式。

5. 诵经礼拜:在供奉佛像时,可以诵经念佛,表达虔诚和虔敬之心。这有助于净化心灵和培养内在的平静与喜悦。



The means of figure of Buddha of consecrate hall mouth is OK because of religion and individual preference different, but common practice includes the following:

1.Clean preparation: Before consecrate, ensure figure of Buddha and altar are clean and neat. The cloth that can use softness wipes figure of Buddha and altar gently.

2.Place figure of Buddha: Place figure of Buddha go up in altar, it is midpoint position normally. Ensure the front of figure of Buddha is forward, represent the inheritance of power of Buddha.

3.Dot candle offers light: In figure of Buddha two side ignite the candle or supply the tube, with showing devoir is mixed enlighten figure of Buddha. This symbolic also move eliminates darkness, bring bright He Zhihui.

4.Display for content: Food and the article such as fruit, flower, censer, biscuit can be put to regard as on altar make offerings to. This expresses to respect and be thankful, a kind of means that also is him dedication at the same time.

5.Song classics religious service: When consecrate figure of Buddha, can Song classics pray to Buddha, expression is mixed piously devout heart. This conduces to purify the calm with the heart and immanent education and joyance.

Above is the common practice of figure of Buddha of mouth of general consecrate hall, but particular consecrate kind still is met because of setting of individual cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, tradition and preference differ somewhat.
