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1. 摆设神像:在家中或寺庙里设置太阳真君的神像或画像,摆放在高处,以示尊敬。

2. 点香烛:每日或特定时刻点燃香烛,向太阳真君祈祷,表达虔诚。

3. 祭品奉上:每逢特定日子,如农历初一、十五等,可以供奉水果、鲜花、茶叶等作为祭品。

4. 心诚祷告:在内心诚挚地祈祷,表达对太阳真君的尊敬和虔诚。

5. 诵经礼佛:可以诵读《太阳真经》等经文,或进行礼佛仪式,以增进与太阳真君的联系。


Consecrate sun true gentleman can take the following kind:

1.Furnish God: Be in the home or the God of sun true gentleman or picture are set in cloister, put pinnacled, in order to show respect.

2.Dot joss sticks and candles: Daily or specific hour ignites joss sticks and candles, to the sun Zhen Junqi asks earnestly, expression is devotional.

3.Oblation acts according to on: Whenever specific date, be like the traditional Chinese calendar first one, 15 etc, can consecrate fruit, flower, tea as oblation.

4.Heart sincere prayer: In the heart cordial ground prays, the respect that expresses true to the sun gentleman and devotional.

5.Buddha of Song classics ceremony: Can chant " sun true classics " wait for lection, or undertake ceremony Buddha ceremony, with promotional the connection of as true as the sun gentleman.
